November 4th, Regular Meeting Minutes
The White City Council held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, November 4th, 2024, at 7:00PM at the McKnight Community Center. Mayor Gladis called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. Roll call was taken, council members present were Cutler, Haines, Sunderland, Schwartz, and Wright; Lagerstrom was absent. Don Weigel representing Banner Engineering, Nate and Steph Thelen, Greg Olson, Charlotte Mickelson, and Wanda Tyler were all present for the meeting. All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Mayor Gladis began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by roll call.
Motion by Sunderland, seconded by Wright to amend the agenda. Sunderland asked to move #9 item to the #8 item.
Motion by Wright, seconded by Cutler to approve the minutes from the October 7th,2024 Regular Meeting.
Motion by Sunderland, seconded by Haines to approve the bills as presented.
Claimant |
Check Amount |
Description |
Western Area Power South Dakota 811 Infotech Solutions Heartland Consumers Power East River Electric Power SD Retirement System SD Dept of Revenue Stein Sign Display First Bank & Trust Christianson PLBG & THING Heartland Consumers Power First Bank & Trust Fees Aflac MN Valley Testing Labs Century Business Products SD Dept of Health EFTPS SDML Workers Comp Prunty Construction Appeara Jim Kortan Austreim Excavating Kevin Molengraaf City of White First Bank & Trust CC DVL Fire & Safety Milbank Winwater Brkings-Deuel Water Bioag Energy Services Bizzy Bee Cleaning ITC Dakota Data Shred Resmen Electric Pests B Dead Infotech Willmott Gravel, INC Payroll Chad Landmark Kayla Cooper Total
$1,494.64 $58.80 $192.00 $29,344.29 $4,097.44 $1,006.84 $2,472.68 $1,393.00 $28.79 $25,689.81 $2,218.40 $24.44 $990.16 $126.00 $41.35 $316.00 $1,743.02 $3,880.00 $502,584.92 $68.39 $127.07 $4,480.15 $501.79 $1,844.20 $61.90 $227.95 $66.78 $4,585.80 $190.18 $500.00 $385.77 $92.66 $2,028.58 $220.00 $192.00 $775.02 $6,324.33 $280.00 $250.00 $600,905.15
Resale Usage of 52,000 KWH 56 Locates Sept 2024 Monthly Service Resale Usage of 102.49 MI/KWH Sept 2024 Wheeling Fees Retirement for Sept 2024 Sept 2024 Sales Tax Sign Display Refund New Fire Hall Plumbing Oct 2024 Fire Hall Paymt ACH Batch & Item Fees SEPT & Oct Fees Testing for Water Tower Printer Copies on Contract Water Samples PP 22&23 Taxes 2025 Renewal Water/Sewer Project Mops/Towels/Dust Mops Deposit Refund Water Leak Doors/Trim/Molding New Hall City Electric, Sewer & Water Use Postage Annual Inspection Main water shut off valve Usage and Resale 1,561,000G Fuel for City and Fire Dept Clean for Mcknight and Fire Hall Phone & Internet Paper Shredding Trenching Pest Control Oct 2024 Monthly Service 31.39 Tons Sand Oct 2024 Health Stipend & Phone Health Stipend
Greg Olson came to the Counsil about Lot Consolidation. He owns lots 13,14, and 15 on Six Mile Creek RD. He would like to consolidate lot 14 & 15 and make the lot 14A. He also talked to the Counsil about removing some easements on his property. The Counsil said that the needed to talk to Six Mile Creek Golf Course Board before they will remove the easements. This discussion was tabled until the Dec 2nd meeting.
Don Weigel spoke on behalf of Prunty Construction for their 5th pay request for the City Sewer/Water Project. The request was in the amount of $383,147.91. A motion by Schwartz, seconded by Wright to approve the 5th payment for Prunty Construction.
Don Weigel spoke about extra ARPA money that we can still utilize for construction. The ARPA funds that are available can’t be used for our current construction plan. Don told the Counsil that they could do a change order and add more work so the City could utilize the grant money. The Counsil discussed that they would like to extend construction from Lincoln through Hooker and also Sherwood and 5th through Hooker so all construction for Hooker will be complete. The Counsil also discussed that the time Hooker was closed this summer was way longer than originally discussed. Don said that there may be ways around keeping it closed. There is a possibility that they could pack gravel on it until it is ready to be asphalted. This was the time it is closed will be shortened to help with truck traffic. Don will work on applications for the next funding phase and also create a change order for our Dec 2nd meeting.
Leftys Sports Pub Liquor License and their off-sale Liquor License was up for renewal. There were no changes to the License at this time. Sunderland made a motion, seconded by Wright, for approval of the licenses.
Six Mile Creek Golf Course Liquor License was up for renewal. There were no changes from the previous year. Their License fee is $540.00. Wright made a motion, seconded by Sunderland, for approval of the license.
The White Community Club Liquor License was up for renewal. There were no changes from the previous year. Sunderland made a motion, seconded by Schwartz, for approval of the license.
The finance officer spoke on the City’s safety audit. There were items that they recommended for the City. Some of the main concerns were at the sewer pond. They stated that we needed more equipment to be able to safely enter the manholes. The Counsil discussed some options to possibly help with this immediately. Mayor Gladis will look into getting the equipment they suggested and also look into possibly moving the valves to the surface so no one has to enter the hole. Mayor Gladis said that until the proper gear is available Chad needs to take someone with him at all times to the sewer pond if he is needing to enter a manhole. They also recommended that we get a safety manual in place for the City. They did email us a generic one for approval by the Counsil. This will be added to the Dec agenda for approval.
Chad brought up to the Counsil that the lawn mower will need a new motor. It is currently at Roelofsen’s in Toronto. There is no warranty for the motor anymore so the cost will be roughly $3,000.00. The Counsil will need to vote on this next month. Chad said that Deubrook School reached out to him about donating the bleachers from the football field to the City. The Counsil was very appreciative of this offer and plan on using them at the softball field. Chad has also been working on discharging the sewer ponds this week. He said it was in process.
With no further business, a motion was made by Sunderland and seconded by Schwartz to adjourn at 8:15pm.
The next meeting Regular Meeting is scheduled for December 2nd, 2024 at 7pm at McKnight Hall Legion Room.