
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

June 24, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes

City of White

Regular Meeting Minutes

June 24th ,2024

The White City Council held a regular meeting on Monday June 24th   ,2024, at 7pm at the McKnight Community Center. Mayor Gladis called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Roll call was taken, council members present were Cutler, Schwartz, Sunderland, Lagerstrom, Haines, and Wright. There were no other attendees present. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.


Mayor Gladis began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by roll call.


Motion by Wright, seconded by Haines to approve the agenda


Motion by Wright, seconded by Haines to approve meeting minutes from June 3rd ,2024 Regular Meeting


Motion by Lagerstrom, seconded by Cutler to approve the following claims:


EFTPS                                                                    $2,485.94                             FICA

APPERA                                                                $73.30                                   TOWELS, MOPS, DIST MOPS

BROOKINGS CO SHERIFF                               $1,595.65                             CONTRACT LAW FOR MAY 2024

WESCO DISTRIBUTION                                   $744.00                                 ELECTRIC METERS

RDO EQUIPMENT CO.                                     $233.10                                 PARTS

DAVENPORT, EVANS L.L.P                             $32,336.74                           WASTEWATER BONDS&WATER BONDS

SD DEPT OF REVENUE                                    $2638.77                              MAY 2024 TAXES

WESTERN AREA POWER                                $1,645.39                             POWER

SD RETIREMENT SYSTEM                               $960.60                                 MAY 2024 RETIREMENT

SOUTH DAKOTA 811                                        $14.70                                   ONE CALL

CITY OF BROOKINGS                                       $463.09                                 CITYWIDE CLEAN UP

INFOTECH SOLUTIONS                                   $192.00                                 MAY 2024 SERVICE

EAST RIVER ELECTRIC                                      $2,854.92                             WHEELING FEES

HEARTLAND CONSUMERS POWER            $21,007.00                           88.49 MILLS/KWH

HEARTLAND CONSUMERS POWER            $2,218.40                             JUNE FIREHALL PAYMENT

RFD NEWS GROUP, INC                                 $383.28                                 PUBLISHING

COOKS WASTERPAPER & RECYCLING       $3,165.28                             NORMAL PICKUP

COOKS WASTERPAPER & RECYCLING       $520.00                                 CITY CLEAN UP

BANNER ASSOCIATES, INC                            $12,114.07                           WATER SEWER PROJECT

MARK PETERSON                                             $200.00                                 UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND

CHAD LANDMARK                                           $280.00                                 STIPEND & PHONE

KAYLA COOPER                                                 $250.00                                 STIPEND

KAYLA COOPER                                                 $503.49                                 TRAVEL & MEALS

CHAD LANDMARK                                           $85.78                                   TRAVEL

WILLMOTT GRAVEL                                         $81.60                                   BLADED ROADS

BROOKINGS CO TREASURER                        $6.70                                     LICENSE FOR POLARIS RANGER

AFLAC                                                                   $306.52                                 JUNE 2024 PAYMENT

FIRST BANK & TRUST FEES                            $23.16                                   FEES

LOWES                                                                  $1,017.22                             PAINT & MATERIALS FOR FIREHALL

CENTURY BUSINESS PRODUCTS                 $73.14                                   PRINTER RENTAL


Mayor Gladis spoke on a riser pipe issue that arose with the water tower project. The current riser pipe had to be plugged during construction. With this the flanges that are in the pipe are currently no longer effective. The City can’t turn water back on until this pipe is replaced. They discussed options and decided to table until next meeting. They asked the Finance officer to see if there are grants available to help pay for this damaged pipe. There will be more to come.


Appoint of officers were done:

Sunderland nominated David Cutler for Ward 1, seconded by Lagerstrom

Roll Call: Sunderland, Lagerstrom

Lagerstrom nominated Chris Haines for Ward 3, seconded by Sunderland

Roll Call: Sunderland, Cutler, Lagerstrom

Cutler nominated Dylan Schwartz for Ward 2, seconded by Sunderland

Roll Call: Haines, Sunderland, Cutler, Lagerstrom

Cutler nominated Arlen Wright for Ward 2, Seconded by Lagerstrom

Roll Call: Schwartz, Sunderland, Cutler, Haines, Lagerstrom

The Oath was read and they were sworn in by Mayor Gladis


Finance Officer gave a report on the budget issues. She let the board know that there are issues and that we need to get these items resolved. She also let them know that the City is behind two annual audits and the current auditors are no longer taking municipalities. The finance officer let the board know that she is working on replacing them. The finance officer also told them that a CPA is needed to come in and fix the accounts. There is no one hired at this time but is being looked in to and will hopefully have something to share at the next meeting.


Chad gave the maintenance report. He said the sewer pond is full and has asked for an emergency discharge. For this samples of the pond have to be taken everyday.


Motion for adjournment was given by Schwartz, seconded by Wright


Meeting Adjourned at 8:32pm


Next meeting will be July 1st,2024 at 7pm. Meeting will be held at the McKnight Hall