
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

July 1st, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes

City of White

Regular Meeting Minutes

July 1st  ,2024

The White City Council held a regular meeting on Monday July 1st ,2024, at 7pm at the McKnight Community Center. Mayor Gladis called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Roll call was taken, council members present were Cutler, Schwartz, Sunderland, Lagerstrom, and Wright. Other attendees were Doug Wermadol, Brandon Berndt, Charles Mohler, and Kelly Vanderwal.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.


Mayor Gladis began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by roll call.


Motion by Wright, seconded by Cutler to approve the agenda


Motion by Wright, seconded by Sunderland to approve meeting minutes from June 24th ,2024 Regular Meeting


Motion by Lagerstrom, seconded by Schwartz to approve the following claims:


Brookings County Treasurer                        $16.70                                   Ambulance Plates

Bizzy Bee Cleaning                                           $375.00                                 Cleaning for June

Austreim Excavating                                       $2,785.10                             Water Leak

SD Dept Of Health                                            $30.00                                   Water Testing

First Bank & Trust CC                                      $2,292.58                             FireHall/Training for Kayla

City of White                                                      $1,843.60                             Utilities

ITC                                                                          $463.73                                 June Phone & Internet

VanDeist Supply Co                                         $1,560.00                             Fogging Mist

Commercial Site Furnishings                       $8,151.74                             Picnic Tables

Prunty Construction                                        $51,750.00                           Water/Sewer Project

SD Assoc of Rural Water                                $445.00                                 Membership

Brookings Municipal Utilities                       $193.88                                 Disconnect

Bioag Energy Services                                    $526.58                                 Fuel

Brookings-Deuel Rural Water                      $4,087.40                             Water Resale/1,383,000 Gallons


During public comment Charles Mohler wanted a recap of the special meeting from the June 24th meeting. Mayor Gladis told him it was about the riser pipe the broke on the water tower, and also that some members were appointed to the Counsel. He also let him know that there was some discussion on the budget and audits for the City. Charles also wanted to know when the Purple Heart signs will be put out. Mayor Gladis asked that Chad take care of this in a timely matter.


Brandon Berndt came to discuss the opening of a used car lot that will be located by Karma’s Korn. He also said that he was planning on having about 5 cars at a time. Brandon said that if the Counsel approves he will need additional information from the city to get his Dealer License.

Motion by Lagerstrom to approve the Dealership, seconded by Sunderland


The Counsel was given an application for approval for a new Volunteer Fireman. Gage Anderson comes with FF1 & FF2 fire training and has also been trained in some first response training.

Motion by Wright to approve the application, seconded by Sunderland.

Welcome Gage!

The water tower riser pipe was tabled until July 1st meeting. Maguire iron quoted the City that it would be over $100,000 to get a new pipe and insulate it. Mayor Gladis reached out to a couple of other companies in the area and the quotes were a considerable amount lower than Maguire. Central Tank Coatings quoted the City around $70,000 and Horizon Tank Services quoted us $64,000. After more discussion Lagerstrom made the motion to hire Horizon Tank Services to do the repair, it was seconded by Cutler. The City will use some of the SRLF loan funding to pay for these repairs.


Kayla gave the Finance report. As noted at the last meeting the City is still looking for someone to do the annual audit. She has called several places and still waiting for some to return her call. Counsel members Sunderland and Lagerstrom talked on the budget training that was attended with the finance officer on June 26th. They noted that they learned a lot and will be working with Kayla to get the new budget ready and present to the Counsel.


Chad gave the maintenance report. He had noted that 2 fire hydrants are problematic and with the new project can we look at replacing them. The one on 4th st will already be replaced during construction. The other hydrant Chad will have to talk to the engineers to see if it is in the plans to replace. Mayor Gladis at this time also asked Chad to fill pot holes in town. Parking was also brought up for Pioneer Days. Due to the construction there will be assigned parking for residents on the west side of the park. There will be no camping or parking there during Pioneer Days.


A motion to adjourn at 7:45pm was made by Schwartz, seconded by Wright.

Next meeting will be August 5th,2024 7pm at the McKnight Hall Legion Room.