September 9, 2019 - Regular Meeting Minutes
Minutes 09.09.2019
The White City Council held its regular meeting at 7:00 pm on Monday, September 9, 2019 at the McKnight Community Center. Mayor Wright called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken council persons present were Cutler, Wilts, Kelm, Gladis and Hopfinger, absent Byers. Also present were Mary Raine, Finance Officer, David Miller SDML Code Enforcement Officer, Scott Mohror Banner & Associates, Kathy McKinney, Loren McKinney and Julie Westberg.
All motions are unanimous unless noted otherwise. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Gladis to approve the minutes from the August 5, 2019 meeting. Motion by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to approve the following bills: East River Electric, July 2019 power $4,276.65; Heartland Consumers Power, $33,235.22; Mary Raine, travel to Mitchell $118.52; SD One Call, locates $13.65; WAPA, July 2019 power $1,341.04; Cooks Wastepaper & Recycling, June & July pick-ups $4,064.00; City of White, utility deposit used to pay bill $200.00; Mary Raine, HRA $250.00; Amazon, magnets & board for hall $64.93; Optilegra, vision insurance $23.31 no expense to city; Premier Table Linens, $62.54 trash can covers; Ebay, 3 ring binders $59.48; Envelopes, utility card envelopes $83.15; ITC, INC, phones and internet $245.36 July billing; AFLAC, $172.25 no expense to city; SD Dept of Revenue, sales tax $2,042.82 for July; Appear, towels, rags & mops $97.50; AT&T, cell phone $57.57; BIOAG Energy Services, gas & diesel $242.40;
Brkgs Cty Sheriff, $1595.65 contract law; Brkgs Cty Sheriff $56.70 animal control; Brkgs Municipal Utilities, hook up new house $188.78; BDRW, August billing water $1,854.85; Core&Main, locator $3,274.63; Daniel DeYoung, HRA $198.00; DVL Fire & Safety, refill extinguishers $109.50; East River Electric, August power $3,418.35; Heartland Consumers, August power $26,936.12; Glacial Lakes & Prairies Tourism, ad $200.00; Lowes, supplies maintenance dept $99.15; Quill, meter book supplies $62.07; Runnings, spray, oil & supplies $152.62; Schwartz Manure Hauling & Septic Service, hydraulic hoses $68.00; SD Dept of Health, coliform $15.00; SD One Call, locates $11.55; WAPA, August power $1,412.64; Colonial Life, no expense to City $31.12; RFD News Group, Inc, publishing’s $549.96; ITC, INC, August billing phone & internet $292.95; Staples, paper $85.36; AFLAC, $172.25 no expense to the City; Optilegra, vision $23.31 no expense to the City; July wages, street dept $860.13, sewer dept $860.13, electric dept $860.13, water dept $860.13, finance dept $4,504.64, hall cleaning $590.86, parks dept $727.50, employers share ss & med $856.94, employers share retirement $472.39; August wages, street dept $976.86, sewer dept $976.86, water dept $976.86, electric dept $976.86, finance dept $4,840.63, parks dept $435.00, hall cleaning $805.46, employers share retirement $523.98, employers share ss & med $756.30; 2nd qtr mayor $480.00; 2nd qtr council $1800.00.
Loren McKinney spoke about mural on park building, still in the planning stages. Scott Mohor with Banner and Associates gave a report on the condition of the sewer, over 7,000 feet is in need of critical repair. The City will also consider replacing water lines at the same time. David Miller, SDML Code Enforcement Officer gave a presentation on benefits of code enforcement.
Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to approve the first reading of the 2020 Appropriations Ordinance No 2019-155. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Gladis to approve building permits for Deubrook Area Schools and Karen Murphy. Motion by Gladis, seconded by Kelm to accept the email resignation of Tammy Byers. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Gladis to approve Michael Westberg and Trever Petersen to join the White Volunteer Fire Department. Mayor Wright appointed Hopfinger to supervise the McKnight Community Center. A special meeting will be held Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 5:30 pm at the McKnight Community Center for the second reading of the 2020 Appropriations Ordinance No 2019-155. Next regular meeting will be Monday, October 7, 2019 at 7:00 pm. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to adjourn at 9:00 pm.
Terry Wright, Mayor
Mary Raine, Finance Officer