
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

April 1, 2019 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes 04.01.19

The White City Council held its regular meeting on Monday, April 1, 2019 at 7:00 pm.  Mayor Wright led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call was taken, council members present were Tammy Byers, Dave Cutler, Chris Wilts, Wayne Kelm, Deb Hopfinger and Scott Gladis.  Mayor Wright, Maintenance Supervisor Dan DeYoung and Finance Officer Mary Raine were also in attendance.  Others in attendance were Julie Westberg, Susan Holiday, Marvin Skoglund, Tanner Sheets, Riley Jo Landmark, Tracy Greene, Aspen Greene, Libbey Miles RFD News, Scott Mohur with Banner Associates, Trever Schwartz White Fire Dept, Geoff Andrews, Kyle Anderson, Craig Johnson and Gayle Newhart.

All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.  Motion by Byers, seconded by Hopfinger to approve the minutes of the 2 March meetings.  Motion by Byers, seconded by Kelm to approve the bills as present, with Wilts voting no. The following bills were presented:  East River Electric $4,644.30,  Feb power; WAPA $$2,623.01, Feb power; Heartland Power $34,601.35, Feb power; wages by dept for March, Finance Office $3392.78, Hall cleaning $148.92; street dept $904.36; water dept $904.36; electric dept $904.36; sewer dept $904.36; city share payroll taxes FO dept $253.26; city share hall cleaning payroll taxes $11.38; city share payroll taxes street dept. $69.18; city share payroll taxes sewer dept $69.18; city share payroll taxes water dept $69.18; city share payroll taxes electric dept $69.18; SDRS city share finance office $182.90; SDRS city share street dept $54.26; SDRS city share sewer dept $54.26; SDRS city share electric dept $54.26; SDRS city share water dept 54.27; wages by dept. for April, Mayor $530.00, city share payroll taxes $40.55; council wages $1,900.00, city share payroll taxes $128.58; Appeara $45.54, rags, mops, towels; AT&T $57.17, cell phone; Brkgs Cty Sheriff $1,595.65, March law contract; Brkgs Engraving $180.75, name plates; Colonial Research Chemical $$1,705.92, total kill; Cook’s $2,022.00, March pickups; Core & Main $639.70, water dept supplies; Dan DeYoung $198.00, HRA; DIG, LLC $5,880.00, electric rebate; Gary Emmett Construction $5,792.18, fix east wall of community center; Hillyard $45.35, cleaning supplies; ITC, Inc $307.22, phones and internets; Kenner Plumbing Co. $214.24, fix water leak; Mary Raine $250.00, HRA; Peter & Alicia Rogers $200.00, return of utility deposit; Quill $160.85, deposit slips, toner & misc supplies; SD Dept of Health $15.00, coliform; SD One Call $5.25, locates; Wesco $1,750.00, street lights; Willmott Gravel $918.00, snow removal; AFLAC $172.25, paid by employees; Amazon $12.45, AAA batteries for hall; SD Dept of Revenue $2,807.75, March sales tax; Anderson Oil, Inc $381.29, gas & diesel; BDRW $2,807.75, March water; Pests B Dead, LLC $85.00, rodent control and SDPAA $14,236.96, insurance.

Motion by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to approve Banner Associates to evaluate PACP Reports provided by a third party.  Motion by Gladis, seconded by Hopfinger to wave the rental fees and allow the White EMR group and FEMA to use the McKnight Community Center on 04/03/2019 and 04/10/2019.  Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to have all employees of the city use a time clock and eliminate time sheet.  Maintenance person will clock in and out once a day, all other employees will clock out for breaks.  Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to make changes to Ordinance 97 to say, offender also has to pay court costs.

Motion by Cutler, seconded by Wilts to approve offering the Brookings Singles a contract for 2020, striking the clause from the prior contract “the city can cancel dates with a 90-day notice” to use the McKnight Community Center the third Saturday of each month except for July.  Motion by Wilts, seconded by Gladis to offer Brookings Singles a rate of $175.00 per dance.  Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Gladis for the City of White to join South Dakota Water/ Wastewater Agency Response Network.  Motion by Wilts, seconded by Kelm to approve Dan DeYoung to attend a meeting in Mitchell, SD on the 25th of April to have the mosquito machine calibrated as required by state law and Mary Raine to attend Finance Officer’s School on June 12th thru 15th in Pierre, SD.  Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to approve a disconnect notice for individual(s) on the delinquency list.  Next regular meeting will be Monday, May 6, 2019.  Motion by Kelm, seconded by Wilts to adjourn at 9:13 pm.

Terry Wright, Mayor

Mary Raine, Finance Officer