
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

November 4, 2019 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes 11.04.19

The White City Council held its regular meeting at 7:00 pm on Monday, November 4, 2019 at

the McKnight Community Center. Mayor Wright called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken council person present were Cutler, Kelm, Gladis and Hopfinger, absent

Wilts. Also, present wer Finance Officer Raine, Maintenance Supervisor DeYoung, Scott Mohror- Banner and Associates, Arlene Madsen, Kale Skogen, Jacquelyn Schulz, Susan Holida, and Kathie Loban.

All motions are unanimous unless noted otherwise. Motion by Gladis, seconded by Cutler to approve the minutes of the meetings on 10/07/19 and 10/14/19. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to approve the following bills: Anderson Oil, Inc $116.11, fuel for city and fire department; Appeara $47.07, towels, rags and mops; B&B Auto Service $243.24, oil change and hitch for city van;

Brkgs Cty Sheriff’s Dept $1595.65, November 19 contract law; Colonial Life $216.56, insurance no exp to the city; Cook’s Wastepaper & Recycling $2,052.00, October 19 garbage pickups; DMI $9,528.38, repair and service maintainer; Ivanhoe Electric, Inc $257.50, trench power to new home; Pests B Dead, LLC $85.00, rodent control Community Center; Quill Inc $75.01, office supplies; Ramsdells $37.86, amine 2-4d; Runnings Supply Inc $65.78, shop supplies; SD Dept of Health $15.00, coliform; SDML Workers Compensation $3672.00, insurance; Willmott Gravel $612.00, haul maintainer to Sioux Falls and back;

Ashley Rentsch $180.00, consulting; AT&T $57.57, cell phone; BDRW $1906.10, October 19 water; AFLAC $172.25, ins no expense to city; Optilegra $23.31, vision ins no expense to city; ITC, Inc phone and

Internet services, $293.92; Mary Raine $147.97, travel; SD One Call $4.20, locates; Holiday Inn $248.00m room for SDML conference; Coy & Hallelujah Skroch $100.00, deposit refund; Dan DeYoung $198.00, HRA; Jaidyn Bauman $100.00, deposit refund; and Mary Raine $250.00 HRA. October 2019 wages,

Hall Cleaning $549.20; Street Dept $909.28; Electric Dept $909.27; Water Dept $909.28; Sewer Dept $909.28; Finance $4302.62; employers share payroll taxes $652.15; and employers share SDRS $473.89.

The Festival of Trees will be held again, asking all business, organizations, churches and families to set up a Christmas tree in the Community Center between Dec 1 and Dec 5, the building will be open daily for public viewing and trees will need to be taken down between January 2, 2020 and January 5, 2020. The City appreciates all those participating. Brookings Area Singles met with the council; they were advised the contract had been sent out after they attended a previous meeting. Mayor instructed to send another copy of the contract out. Kale Skogen addressed the Council on plans he has for properties he recently purchased. Scott Mohror with Banner and Associates present the findings from the video and cleaning of the sewer system and talked about the next step in this project.

Motion made by Gladis, seconded by Hopfinger to approve Kevin Petersen as a new fireman. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to accept the high bids on tables, chairs and carpet-removal of items will depend on the arrival of new tables and chairs. Motion by Gladis, seconded by Hopfinger not to purchase E-bill Module at this time. Motion by Gladis, seconded by Kelm to put on retainer the SDML Regional Code Enforcement Program. American Legal issue tabled. Motion by Gladis, seconded by Hopfinger to donate up to $450.00 to the “Christmas, Kids and Cops” program, asking the White Community Club and Pioneer Day Committee to share in the cost. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Gladis to move into executive session at 8:46 pm.

The Council came out of executive session at 9:54 pm. Motion made by Cutler, seconded by Gladis to adjourn.

Terry Wright, Mayor

Mary Raine, Finance Officer