October 7, 2019 - Regular Meeting Minutes
Minutes 10.07.19
The White City Council held its regular meeting at 7:00 pm on Monday, October 7, 2019 at the
McKnight Community Center. Mayor Wright called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken council persons present were Cutler, Wilts, Kelm, Gladis, and Hopfinger.
Also present were Mary Raine- Finance Officer, Dan DeYoung – Maintenance Supervisor, Scott Mohror- Banner and Associates, Arlene Madsen, Julie Westberg, Aspen Greene, and Tracy Greene.
All motions are unanimous unless noted otherwise. Motion by Gladis, seconded by Hopfinger to approve the meetings of the two prior meetings, September 9, 2019 and September 11, 2019. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to approve the following bills as presented: Cook’s Wastepaper and Recycling $2082.00, August 19 pickups; SDML $100.00, conference fee; City of White $1,619.30, August utilities; Dan DeYoung $55.91, phone accessories; SD Dept Rev $2,355.81, August 19 sales tax; September wages, Street Dept $879.18; Water Dept $879.17; Sewer Dept $879.17; Electric Dept $879.17; Parks Dept $349.61; Hall Cleaning $552.98; Finance Dept $4,674.93; Employer payroll taxes for September, $685.11; 3rd Qtr wages Mayor, $730.00; Council $2,400.00; employer matching payroll taxes for 3rd Qtr wages $239.45; employer share SDRS $489.45; City of White $200.00, utility deposit refund to pay customer utility bill; Appeara $47.07, rags, mops & towels; AT&T $20.30, cell phone; Banner Associates, Inc $3.191.30, engineering reports; Brkgs Cty Sheriff’s Dept $3,191.30, Aug and Sept contract law; Cash $64.42, petty cash postage and supplies; City of White $1,134.20, Sept utilities; Colonial Life $62.24, no expense to city; Dakota Tree Service $2,500.00, cut trees down by school; Dan DeYoung $198.00, HRA; Pests B Dead, LLC $85.00; Bioag Energy Services $1,914.58, gas and diesel; Hillyards $385.36, cleaning supplies; Kissner Paving $1,500.00, patch streets with hot asphalt; Mary Raine $250.00, HRA; Safety Benefits, Inc $65.00, conference; SD Dept Health $15.00, water testing; WAPA $1,283.29, Sept 19 power; Willmott Gravel $120.00, gravel; Brkgs Equipment, Inc $404.87, oil change for tractor; BDRW $2,068.05, Sept 19 bulk water; Cook’s Wastepaper & Recycling $2,022.00, Sept garbage pickups; East River Electric Power $3,211.20, Sept 19 power; Eddie Victor $275.00, did electric to 202 N Wilson; JP Cooke Co $73.65, 2020 dog tags & receipt books; RFD News Group, Inc $259.58, publishing; WESCO Distribution $1,713.75, hot stick; Heartland Power $25,392.12, Sept 19 power; ITC, INC $44.95, electrical dept internet; ITC, Inc $245.04, phone & internet; AFLAC $172.25, no expense to city; Amazon $52.24, garbage bags; Optilegra $23.31, no expense to city; COMPUCHECKS.COM $126.89, check blanks; Amazon $62.46, binders for meter books; SD Dept of Rev $1,770.89, Sept sales tax.
Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to approves contracts with Banner Associates on the contingency the City of White receives grants. Motion by Gladis, seconded by Kelm to approve building permits for Kara Rogness and Mills Construction. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to approve the purchase of new tables and chairs for the Community Center and ask the organizations that use the hall for donations. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Gladis to surplus approximately 386 chairs, 44 tables, 2 chair racks and a piece of new carpet, holding back any the Fire Dept may be able to use. Motion by Cutler, seconded by Gladis to move into executive session at 8:21 pm.
Council came out of executive session at 8:38 pm.
Motion by Gladis, seconded by Kelm to adjourn.
Terry Wright, Mayor
Mary Raine, Finance Officer