
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

July 11, 2022 White City Council Regular Meeting Minutes

The White City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, July 11, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the McKnight Community Center. Mayor Gladis called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Roll call was taken, council members present were Cutler, Schwartz, Sunderland, Lagerstrom and Haines. Council members absent: Kelm. Others present were Connie Nelson, Julie Westberg, Aryn Looyenga with the Tri-City Star, Donna Wilson with The Brookings Dance Club, Susan Holiday, Barb Schulz, JoAnn Mathis, Charlotte Mickelson, Jen Olson, Jacquelyn Schultz, Arlen Wright, Paul Ekern, and Chris Wilts. All motions unanimous unless otherwise noted.

Mayor Gladis began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed be roll call.

Motion by Lagerstrom, seconded by Cutler to approve the agenda.

Motion by Cutler, seconded by Haines to approve the minutes from the June 22, 2022 meeting.

Motion by Lagerstrom, seconded by Haines to approve the following claims:


Check Amt.


BioAg Energy Services



Bizzy Bee Cleaning


Month of June Cleaning

Brookings County Sheriff


July 2022 Contract Law and Animal Control

Brookings-Deuel Rural Water


June 2022 Water

City of White



Cooks Wastepaper and Recycling


June 2022 Garbage Pickups

East River Electric Power


June 2022 Wheeling Fees

Heartland Consumers Power


May 2022 Power & April SPP Transmission

Infotech Solutions


Software Backup

Lowes Home Centers, INC


Supplies and Materials

Murphy Construction


Remove and Installation of new shingles

Pests B Dead, LLC


Rodent Control-Fire Hall

RFD News Group, INC


Publishing Fees

Runnings Supply, INC


Supplies and Materials

SD Assoc of Rural Water System


Annual Class B Member Dues

Van Deist Supply Company


Fogging Chemicals

Western Area Power Admin


2022 June Power


Public Comments: None.

Motion by Schwartz, seconded by Sunderland to accept Wayne Kelm’s resignation letter.

Mayor Gladis noted that there was now an open council position in Ward 2. Arlen Wright and Jennifer Olson were the 2 people interested in the open position in Ward 2. Lagerstrom made a motion to nominate Arlen Wright for Ward 2, there was not a second. This was tabled to the next meeting.

Councilman Lagerstrom gave the update on the economic development process. Lagerstrom, Byers, and Mayor Gladis met with the economic development corporation on Tuesday, July 5. Lagerstrom informed the public that the challenge the economic development corporation faces are they don’t have a ton of money to spare to the community and they don’t get a lot of income from the apartments. Their main focus is keeping the low-income apartments they own in White. The City is focused on getting the town cleaned up and developing and improving what they currently have.

The Brookings Area Dance Club is asking the council to keep their rent the same as previous months. They have had some expense issues the past couple of months, with the price of fuel going up and the prices of bands are expensive as well.

Motion by Lagerstrom, seconded by Sunderland to keep the cost of the next 6 dances at the current rate.

Jennifer Olson with the Pioneer Days Committee informed the council that almost everything should be ready to go for Pioneer Days weekend. They will start digging the derby track on Tuesday night. They only ordered one roll off for garbage this year, and her and Chad will be working together to get the portable toilets were they need to be for the weekend.

Leftys Sports Pub had submitted a special event alcoholic beverage license application to sell alcohol in the beer garden through the weekend and to sell alcohol on the sidewalk in front of the bar on Saturday night July 16th.

Motion by Schwartz, seconded by Lagerstrom to approve both special event applications submitted by Leftys Sports Pub.

The White Community Club had submitted a special event alcoholic beverage license application to sell alcohol on the sidewalk at 300 West Main Street on Friday night, July 15th.

Motion by Sunderland, seconded by Schwartz to approve the special event application submitted by the White Community Club.

Finance report by Byers, she informed the council that there have been some reports of some activity of kids climbing on the roof of the bathrooms and on top of the swing sets and just doing things they shouldn’t be. She was looking for a person to contact if this happens again, so they can control this better. Councilman Sunderland said that he can be the point of contact if anyone see this happening.

No maintenance report.

Councilman Lagerstrom called for a 5-minute recess to wait for the Deubrook School Board.

Motion by Lagerstrom, seconded by Sunderland to adjourn at 7:39 pm.


Scott Gladis, Mayor

Rachel Byers, Finance Officer