
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

May 4, 2020 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes 05.04.2020

The White City Council held its regular meeting on Monday, May 4, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the McKnight Community Center.  Mayor Wright called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll

Call was taken, council members present were Cutler, Wilts, Kelm, Gladis and Hopfinger.  Also present were Julie Westberg, Paul Ekern, Dan DeYoung maintenance supervisor, Victoria Berndt and Mary Raine, Finance Officer.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.

Motion made by Hopfinger, seconded by Cutler to approve the minutes from the April 2020 meeting.  Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to approve the following bills as presented:  Heartland Power $24224.59, March power; WAPA $2183.20, March Power; East River Electric $3161.70, March Power; RFD News Group, Inc $483.51, publishing; Colonial Life $216.56, no expense to city; Optilegra $46.62, no expense to city; City of White $400.00, return of deposits for Jon Petersen and Lowell Shutt; Steve Klemm $159.75, return of hall fees due to COVID 19; petty cash $56.42, postage; Brookings Equipment, Inc $145.02, pin for loader; Pests B Dead, Inc $180.00, rodent control fire hall and community center; State of SD $2731.80, April Sales tax; BDRW $1989.00, April water; Core & Main $180.62, hydrant parts;

ITC, Inc $244.67, phones and internet; ITC Inc $44.95, substation internet; AFLAC $172.25, no expense to city; AT&T Mobility $57.10, cell phone; SD Dept of Health $15.00, water testing; Amazon $15.99, scrub brush; Core & Main $2516.92, fire hydrant; Brkgs Cty Sheriff $1210.00, contract law; BIOAG Energy Services $169.64, fuels; Cooks Wastepaper & Recycling $2113.56, April garbage pickups; City of White $1844.29, utilities; Colonial Life $216.56, no expense to City; April payroll expense $2088.14 City Council;

$736.10 Mayor; $4773.75 finance dept; $1367.43 streets; $1261.12 water; $1261.12 sewer; $1261.12 electric; and $165.80 hall cleaning. A review of the 2017/2018 audit was gone over.  Mayor Wright swore in Aspen Thorstenson as Mayor. Due to an error on Debra Hopfinger’s petition, she withdrew it.

Motion by Cutler, seconded by Kelm to appoint Deb Hopfinger to Ward 3 as council person, Gladis yes, Cutler yes, Wilts no and Kelm yes. Motion carried, Mayor Thorstenson swore in Deb Hopfinger as council person. Motion by Gladis, seconded by Hopfinger to appoint David Cutler to council person for Ward 1.  Mayor Thorstenson swore in David Cutler as council person.  Motion by Cutler, seconded by Gladis to appoint Christi Wilts as council person for Ward 2.  Mayor Thorstenson swore Christi Wilts in as council person.  Motion by Wilts, seconded by Gladis to appoint Wayne Kelm as council person for Ward 2.  Mayor Thorstenson swore in Kelm as council person. 

Julie Westberg spoke on behalf of the White Community Club that for the summer they would like to put wind socks up on every other pole on main street and have the planters removed, the council agreed.  Motion by Wilts, seconded by Kelm to replace Resolution 2020-05 with Resolution 2020-06.  Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to have a restroom agreement with the Pioneer Day Committee.  Motion by Kelm, seconded by Gladis to advertise for a part time custodian for the hall for an hourly wage and a bid for monthly cleaning of the hall if the council decides to change policies.  Motion by Wilts, seconded by Gladis to move into executive session at 8:58 pm.  Council came out of executive sessions at 10:10 pm.  Motion by Gladis, seconded by Kelm to adjourn.

Aspen Thorstenson, Mayor

Mary Raine, Finance Officer