
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

May 11, 2020 - Special Meeting Minutes

Minutes 05.11.2020


The White City Council held a special meeting on Monday, May 11, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the McKnight Community Center.  Mayor Thorstenson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll Call was taken, council members present were Cutler, Wilts, Kelm, and Hopfinger.  Also present were Scott Gladis, Paul Ekern, Dan DeYoung maintenance supervisor and Mary Raine,

Finance Officer.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.


The city is in need of a push mower, Wilts motioned to approve the purchase up to $200, Kelm seconded the motion. Pete, Clarence and Dan will work with Wayne to make sure the dump gate keys are accessible when needed. A revised drawing of Brandon Heimback was presented and approved.


City ordinance regarding Dog Complaints 5.0203 will be revised and updated to include the following verbiage:   5.0203 Responsibility of Owner to Place Animal for Observation. When any person owning or harboring a dog, cat or other animal, has been notified that said animal has bitten or attacked any person, cat or other animal,  the owner shall within twenty-four (24) hours place the animal under the care and observation of a law enforcement officer or licensed veterinarian for a period not less than ten (10) days. The animal owner is liable.


Council also amended the city ordinance 2020-06 regarding the COVID 19 Coronavirus to read as follows:   At 6:00am, May 5, 2020, all restaurants, food courts, coffee houses, bars, breweries, clubs, cafes, and other similar places of public accommodation offering food and beverages for on-site consumption, including any alcohol licensees with on-sale privileges, may open to on-site/on-sale patrons. They shall suspend or modify business practices as recommended by CDC guidance when ten (10) or more people or half capacity of establishment, to include employees, are in enclosed space where physical separation of at least six feet is not possible.  The rest of the resolution remained unchanged. Finance Officer will distribute to in town businesses next business day.


Timeclock system is tabled to a later meeting. Annual report was corrected and distributed. City Ordinances are out of date, Hopfinger recommended contacting previous firms to get quotes on cost to update and get into order. Dave Miller, Code Enforcement Officer is on retention, would like to get codes reviewed before proceeding.


Council was presented with two more building permits for Bruce Norman and Jon Ekern. Mayor is looking for persons in Ward 1 and 3 to fill currently vacant council positions. Motion by Wilts, seconded by Kelm to move into executive session at 7:54 pm.  Council came out of executive sessions at 9:31 pm.  Motion by Kelm, seconded by Cutler to adjourn.


Aspen Thorstenson, Mayor

Deb Hopfinger, Council Person Ward 1