
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

April 6, 2020 - Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes 04.06.2020

The White City Council held its regular meeting on Monday, April 6, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the McKnight Community Center. Mayor Wright call the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken, council members present were Cutler, Wilts (via phone), Kelm, Gladis and Hopfinger. Also present were Dan DeYoung Maintenance Dept, Mary Raine Finance Officer, Paul Ekern, Aspen Thortenson, Jennifer Olson and Arlene Madsen (via phone), not exceeding a gathering of more than 10 at one time.

All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted. Motion by Kelm to approve the minutes from the 2-prior meeting, seconded by Hopfinger. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Gladis to approve the following bills as presented: SDML $52.00, registration for district meeting; City of White $250,000.00, transfer between accounts; A-I Computer Solutions $49.99, webroot; Post Office $230.00, stamps; BDRW $1969.20, Feb 2020; East River $4003.05, Feb 2020 power; Heartland $29,123.31, Feb power; RFD News Group $57.27, publishing; WAPA $2,676.09, Feb 2020 power; Anderson Oil, Inc $1,815.48, diesel, gas & stove fuel; Appeara $47.62, mops, rag, towels; AT&T $57.27, cell phone; Banner & Assoc $15,000.00, water & sewer facility plans; Brkgs Cty Sheriff $$1,210.00, contract law; BDRW $300.00 return of deposit & rent; City of White $1,282.55, utilities; Dan DeYoung $198.00, HRA; Jordan Wright $80.00, assemble carts; Mary Raine $263.69, HRA & mileage; Schoenfish & Co, Inc $13,100.00, audits for 2017 & 2018 and annual reports; SD Dept of Health $15.00, water testing; SDML workers comp $152.00, insurance premium; Banner & Assoc $8550.00 water & sewer facility plans; BDRW $1909.80, March water 2020;Cook’s $2,103.26, March garb pickups; Quill $91.03, office supplies; AFLAC $172.25, no expense to city; ITC, Inc $247.62, Feb phones and internet; ITC, Inc $44.95, Feb substation internet; FB&T $22.20, bank charges Feb 2020; Dept of Rev $2,800.35, Feb sales tax; AI Computer Solutions $69.99, repair laptop; ITC, Inc 241.94, phone and internet March 2020; ITC, Inc $44.95, internet for substation; Dept of Rev $2,494.67, March sales tax; FB&T $27.12, March 2020 bank charges; Dept of Rev $2,494.67, March sales tax; SD Dept of Labor $50.00, unemployment; AFLAC $172.25, no expense to the City; March payroll $316.45, hall cleaning; $3042.55, Finance Office; $833.09, streets; $833.09 sewer; $833.09 water; $833.10 electric; employer share payroll taxes $499.46; employer share SDRS $430.66; April payroll, Mayor $530.00; Council $1650.00; and employers share payroll taxes $150.03.

Janiece Kregal joined the meeting via phone to talk about what the Community Club and City can do to help residents during the COVID 19 pandemic. It was decided to send a letter and find out if there is a need and what the need is. DeYoung gave a maintenance report on things he does in the spring. Kelm wondered if there should be a special day for branch clean up, DeYoung said anyone at anytime during regular hours could call and have him open the dump, if needing the dump opened (which you can only take trees, branches and untreated wood there) or if needed on the weekend try and call on Friday. No special day was set. Kelm also went over graveling and pot hole repair. Wilts brought up the subject on how overtime is figured, looking into personal policy to get clarification. Wilts also asked about City Office hours, Mayor explained for the past 4 years it been this way and hours are clearly posted on the window of the Finance Office. Wilts also mentioned having a clean up this fall, that will be looked at when Cook’s give the go ahead that they will pickup the stuff.

Mayor Wright gave a review of the 2017/2018 audit. City wide rummage sales was set for the second weekend in June, pending the status of COVID 19. Motion by Hopfinger to delay planned Code Enforcement until the COVID 19 pandemic is over or under control, seconded by Kelm. Do to the COVID 19 pandemic the Mayor suggested waiving the Liquor Fee for Lefty’s and Six Mile Creek until regulars’ operations started again. Motion by Kelm to waive the liquor fees and refund the fee Lefty’s paid April 1st, until normal business operation resume, seconded by Gladis.

Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to pass Resolution 2020-05 due to COVID 19. Motion by Gladis, seconded by Hopfinger to waive the late fees on utility bills until the end of May and then review the situation. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Gladis to offer the mowing job to Pete Eekhoff and Clarence Simmons. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to adjourn at 8:23 pm.

Terry Wright, Mayor

Mary Raine, Finance Officer