
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

January 6. 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

Minutes 01.06.2020

The White City Council held its regular meeting, Monday, January 6, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the McKnight Community Center. Mayor Wright called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll

Call was taken council persons present were Cutler, Wilts, Kelm, Gladis and Hopfinger. Also present were Maintenance Supervisor DeYoung, Finance Officer Raine, Dave Miller Code Enforcement Officer, Josie Koopmans, Julie Westberg, Aspen Green, Tracy Greene and Patty Thompson.

All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted. Motion by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to approve the minutes of the December 30, 2019 meeting. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to approve the following bills as presented: Anderson Oil, Inc $119.01, dyed diesel; Appeara $49.35, rags, towels and mops; AT&T $57.62, cell phone for Dan; DENR $450.00, permission to discharge permit; Kanz Landscaping $540.00, stump removal; Pest B Dead, LLC $90.00, fire hall rodent control; Wesco Distribution $1,480.00, street lights; Brookings Stump Removal $400.00, stump removal; BDRW $1,692.90, Dec 19 water; Colonial Life, $215.56, no expense to city; Dan Deyoung $298.00, HRA and payroll correction; East River Electric Power $4,054.65, Dec 19 power; First District Assoc of Local Governments $561.25, yearly dues; Mary Raine $250.00, HRA; Runnings Supply Inc $65.78, supplies;

WAPA $2,603.62, Dec 19 power: Arlen Wright $100, assemble carts; SD Dept of Revenue $2,174.51, Dec 19 sales tax; ITC, Inc $247.44, phones & internet; ITC Inc $44.95, substation internet; MICROSOFT $105.44, yearly subscription; Dec 19 wages Finance Office $4727.58, SDRS $270.93; employer share payroll taxes $351.57; Street Dept $839.85, SDSR $50.40, employer share payroll taxes $64.27; Water Dept $839.85, SDRS $50.39, employers share payroll taxes; Electric Dept $839.85; SDSR $50.39 employers share payroll taxes; Sewer Dept $839.85, SDSR $50.39, employers share payroll taxes $64.24;

McKnight Hall $397.69, $28.89 employers share payroll taxes; January 2020 Mayor and council wages

Mayor $580.00, employers share payroll taxes $44.37; Council $1900.00, employers share payroll taxes $128.58. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Gladis to approve Josie Koopmans to apply for a Restaurant Liquor license at a fee of $800.00 per year, prorating the first year to number of months used. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Wilts to purchase a snow blower less than $1450.00 to clean sidewalks and if drifts are over 3 feet deep the tractor and loader may be used. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to reduce the insurance coverage on the Museum, Museum school house and Museum log cabin to just liability as they would never be replaced if damaged voting aye Gladis, Hopfinger, Wilts and Kelm, voting nay Cutler, motion carried. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to put contents coverage on the firehall of $150,000.00. From the finance officer having a meeting with the insurance people they suggest to increase the building and content coverage of McKnight Hall, increase coverage on playground equipment, water tower and pump house to have a realistic replacement cost, the council at present time didn’t change anything except what is noted above, may revisit after receiving quote on deductible change. Council also requested a quote on raising the deductible from $500 to $2500 and a quote of what it would cost to add office equipment to the policy.

Dave Miller, Code Enforcement Officer went over details and his plan of action with the council.

DeYoung gave a report on snow removal, Raine reminded the council that AFLAC sign up would be at the next meeting, asked what council members wanted to be registered for class in Elkton, informed them a different fire extinguisher was put by the deep fat fryer and grill in the Hall, increase rodent control on the firehall as exterminator recommended and asked if anyone would be available to go to Madison, SD to learn about the electric load management system as Raine or current counsel is not familiar with how it works, the council is unsure of what it may save. They discussed maybe terminating the program or revisiting the matter at a later date as not a priority as of now.

Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Cutler to approve the Finance Officer to attend training on the current program the City uses, voting aye Cutler, Kelm, Gladis and Hopfinger, voting nay Wilts.

Motion by Kelm, seconded by Gladis to send disconnect notices to customers. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to adjourn at 8:43 pm.

Terry Wright, Mayor

Mary Raine, Finance Officer