July 2, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes
Minutes 07.02.2018
The White City Council met for it’s regular meeting on Monday July 2, 2018 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wright, roll call was taken. Councilpersons present were Tammy Byers, Dave Cutler, Chris Wilts, Wayne Kelm, Deborah Hopfinger and Scott Gladis. Also present were Finance Officer Mary Raine, Maintenance Supervisor Dan DeYoung, Julie Westberg, Janiece Kregel, Randy Hanson and Jill Larson.
All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted. Motion made by Hopfinger, seconded by Byers to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to approve the bills as presented: Mary Raine, mileage to Huron and Sioux Falls $187.99; East River Electric Power Co, May power $3,388.24; Kara Rogness withdrew auto payment twice, $112.42; Daniel Deyoung, HRA receipts $50.00; City of White, pay last utility bill out of refund $36.37; Martha Brandt, return balance of deposit $163.63; Dept of Revenue, malt beverage on/off sale $300.00; Mary Raine mileage and meal for Burnsville, MN $216.16; Holiday Inn, motel room $150.00; Americinn, motel room $89.10; Clubhouse Inn, motel room $161.00; Heartland Power, May power $25,762.16; AT&T, cell phone $55.64; SD Dept of Health, supplies $324.00; AFLAC, insurance $131.82; Amazon, urinal floor matts $105.49; Hillyard, cleaning supplies $531.18; Tammy Byers, bulb for light above stage $21.28; Brookings Cty Sheriff, June law enforcement $1595.65; TEAM Lab, chemicals for sewage $448.50; Appeara, towels, mops, rags $45.00; SD Municipal Electric Assoc., dues $346.00; DENR, drinking water fee $220.00; Brookings Municipal Utilities, switch transformers $1,339.08; Town & Country Shopper, ad for rummage sales $17.90; ITC, Inc., phone & internet $256.11; ITC Inc., internet substation $44.95; Amazon, code book $87.02; Mary Raine, HRA $250.00; Daniel DeYoung, HRA $198.00; Blair Pike Hanna, return hall deposit $100.00; Dave Glazier, return hall deposit; Mary Raine, mileage and meal $229.00; Brookings City Landfil, spring clean up $263.12; Anderson Oil, fuel and gas $292.66; Svennes Bussing, transportation for swimming lessons $445.20; Daniel DeYoung, HRA receipts $513.20; DENR, water treatment fee $50.00;Dept expenses in June for salaries, SDRS, and employer share taxes: Finance Office $5,138; Streets, Electric, Water and Sewage $4,753.28; Park Dept $672.26 and hall cleaning $682.22.
Plat papers for the Prairie Ridge Addition were gone over by council and signed by Mayor and Finance Officer.
On the subject of rate changes in utilities, the council decided to hear from First District before making any changes. A special meeting will be held Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 7:00 pm.
It was brought to the attention of the Mayor that the Fireworks Ordinance needs improvement. It will be rewritten for the council to go over at the next regular meeting.
Reviewing things at the McKnight Hall, it was asked if dimmer switches could be put in and we need to find out first if the lights are dimmable. It was determined after the last large wedding dance that the 3 air conditioner units keep up as long as double doors to entryway are kept closed.
The Pioneer Days committee asked if they could close W 4th, W 5th and Railroad Ave for the Demo Derby and to notify the county law enforcement that drinking will be allowed at events in designated areas.
Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to purchase a new first base for the north softball field.
Motion by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to update the sign at the park for camping if cost is less than $100.00. Byers will take care of getting sign ordered from Outlaw Graphics.
Daniel DeYoung answered questions during his report on the culvert drainage by the Baptist Church. He also has on his list to fix culverts on N Hooker Ave and E 2nd Street. A motion by Byers, seconded by Hopfinger to have Dan Deyoung remove the big wooden box on the west end of Main Street that had been used for collecting cans in the past.
No action was taken on nuisance ordinances as not all council persons had time to review the book. Mary Raine, Finance Officer reported that a lot of information was attained at the schools and workshop she attended in June and brought to the attention of the council the FIT program. On June 14, she had visited with Scott Amundson from the Governor’s office and found he could be useful if looking for grant money. A $750.00 grant for mosquito control had been applied for and the city was granted that amount. The City Park received a donation in memory of Brian Graslie. Engelstad and Glazier will be contacted to mow the east side of Kennebeck Avenue in front of their new development.
Correspondence was gone over; no action was taken on the BATA request for a donation.
For public comments, Randy Hanson was present and gave an update on The Farmstead and stated that things are on schedule, but still looking for someone to start a salon and restaurant. He extended a special invitation to the council to attend the grand opening during Pioneer Days. Comments were also heard from Julie Westberg and Janiece Kregel. Janiece inquired whether Melanie Haber, former Finance Officer, had reimbursed the City for $500 in Health Ins. stipends that she received after her employment was terminated. Reimbursement has not been received, and another letter requesting it will be sent. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Wilts to pay Tammy Byers $50.00 (the price she paid for them) for the patio lights added on each side in the Community Hall. Byers abstained.
Motion by Wilts, seconded by Kelm to send out disconnection notices for residents that were past due. If payment isn’t made in full, disconnection will happen Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 11:00 am.
Motion to adjourn at 8:38 pm was made by Wilts, seconded by Kelm.
Terry Wright, Mayor
Mary Raine, Finance Officer