September 3, 2018 - Regular Meeting Minutes
The White City Council met for its regular meeting Monday, September 3, 2018 @ 7:00 pm. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Terry Wright, roll call was taken. Council persons present were Tammy Byers, Dave Culter, Wayne Kelm, Deborah Hopfinger and Scott Gladis. Christi Wilts was absent. Also present at the meeting were Finance Officer Mary Raine, Maintenance Supervisor Dan DeYoung, Arlene Madsen, Julie Westberg, Randy Hanson and Dave Lucas.
All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Motion by Hopfinger seconded by Gladis to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Motion by Byers seconded by Kelm to approve the following bills: ITC, Inc., phone & internet $262.40; ITC Inc., internet for substation $44.95; Outlaw Graphic, graphics for van $75.00; Brkgs County Sheriff, July & August contract law $3191.00; Appeara, towels, rags & mops $46.19; Riteway, utility bills $319.21; B&B Auto Service, repairs $190.71; Van Deist Supply, biomist $695.00; SD Dept Health, test $15.00; eBay, office supplies $29.99; Aflac, insurance $131.82; Tammy Byers, cleaning & other supplies for hall $86.20;
eBay, office supplies $5.00; Christi Wilts, mileage $72.16; Hartung Electric, wiring air conditioner in 2017; Mary Raine, HRA $250.00; Dan DeYoung, HRA $198.00; Hillyard, cleaning supplies $395.12; B&B Auto Sales, van $10025.00; AT&T, cell phone $56.97; JP Cooke Co, 2019 dog tags $70.25; BDRW, Aug water $2,420.65; Amazon, garbage bands $17.66; Cook’s Wastepaper, billed July $2,142.00; Cook’s Wastepaper, billed August $2,023.00; Amazon, office supplies $30.65; eBay, binders $240.00; SDML, training $50.00; Cook’s Wastepaper, billed June $2062.00; SD One Call, locates $22.05; Outlaw Graphics, park sign $96.00; WAPA, July power $1,341.04; Heartland, electricity $33,397.40; East River Electric, July wheeling fees $4,284.91.
First reading of the budget Ordinance 148-2018 Appropriation Ordinance for 2019 Budget with motion by Kelm seconded by Hopfinger.
Motion made by Gladis seconded by Byers to increase the minimum water charge to $19.00 for the service and bill water out at $4.50 per 1000, along with setting the minimum sewer fee at $20.00 per household, increasing the surcharge amount at $6.00 per household for electricity, meter charge to $12 and increase the charge of electricity by 4%. Motion by Gladis seconded by Hopfinger to make mandatory every building (including empty structures) be billed the minimum electric, sewer and water if the services are available to be turned on, starting next billing cycle. Byers made motion seconded by Gladis to add “starting next billing cycle” to previous motion made by Gladis seconded by Byers to increase water, sewer, and electricity. Motion by Byers seconded by Kelm to make the commercial rates increase the same amount as residential rates, except increase electric meter charge to $13.20 and leave the charge of electricity at .0985. Multi housing units were discussed and action will be taken on them after some research. Motion by Kelm seconded by Gladis to set a Special Meeting for September 10, 2018 at 6:00pm to have the second reading of the budget and a limited agenda. Tammy Byers, McKnight Hall Supervisor presented a bill for items purchased for the Hall to include a cigarette butt receptacle and 4 thermostat covers. Motion by Gladis seconded by Hopfinger to pay her for the expenses. Gladis, Hopfinger, Kelm, Cutler voting aye, Byers abstaining.
In other happenings at the meeting, Randy Hanson gave an update on the Farmstead. He also inquired who owned the three street lights on the property and he was informed that they went with the property he purchased. Randy also asked for consideration when increasing utilities on multi-housing units.
Dave Lucas was present and went over the blueprint the school borrowed to the city on the drainage problem at the corner of West 4th Street and Lincoln Ave. They didn’t show what was needed. It was decided that the Finance Officer would contact the engineering firm and ask if they could provide what we need to correct the drainage problem.
Dan DeYoung gave a maintenance report and advised the council the need to purchase more water meters. It was decided to see if the new water meters would work with the office software for automatic reading before making any more purchases. He will spray the park after first frost.
In public comments, an attendee questioned wording in the August City Council minutes, council decided that there were no changes needed. A representative of the WCC asked about clarification on laws concerning dealing with liquor licenses, finance officer will try and find information needed.
Mary Raine, Finance Officer gave an update and requested to attend a Joint Safety and Loss Control Training Conference. Some general correspondence and other information were given to the council for future reference. Delinquent bills were presented, no disconnect notices were needed.
Motion by Hopfinger seconded by Kelm to allow the Finance Officer to attend the conference in November on Safety and Loss Control. Motion by Gladis seconded by Hopfinger to purchase a commercial grade combination lock for the doors going into the Finance Office.
The next regular meeting will be held Monday, October 1, 2018 at 7:00 pm.
Motion made by Kelm seconded by Gladis to adjourn at 10:21 pm.
Terry Wright, Mayor
Mary Raine, Finance Officer