
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

September 10, 2018 - Special Meeting Minutes

 The White City Council met for a Special Meeting on Monday, September 10, 2018, at 6:00pm at the McKnight Hall, for the purpose of the Second Reading of the 2019 Budget and other posted items.

     Meeting was called to order by Mayor Terry Wright, roll call was taken.  Members present were Byers, Cutler, Wilts, Kelm, Hopfinger and Gladis.  Also present was Finance Officer Mary Raine.

     All motions unanimous unless noted otherwise.  

     Motion by Kelm seconded by Wilts to adopt the following Resolution 2018-4: 

2019 Capital Outlay Accumulations.  WHEREAS, the City Council of White, South Dakota, under authority of SDCL 9-21-14.1, authorizing the accumulation of funds for capital outlay purposes for the year 2019, and WHEREAS, as required by SDCL 9-21-14.2, the purpose and maximum amount of this accumulation must be clearly stated, and WHEREAS, the City Council of White acknowledges that, according to SDCL9-21-14.2, these accumulations and any accumulated funds deemed  no longer necessary shall revert to the general fund, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOVED by the City Council of White, that a capital outlay accumulation of $35,000 be established for Water Meter Projects; $10,000 for street lighting; $7,500 for a load management system; $10,000 for sewer repair and maintenance; $4,000 for Professional Services associated with the Finance Office; $1,000 for Park improvements; $500 for snow removal; $500 for improvements to Museum; $500 for improvements to ballfields and $1,000 to update ordinances and enforce nuisances.  Total assigned cash for 2019 is estimated at $70,000.  Adopted this 10th day of September, 2018.

     A Second Reading of the 2019 Budget was done with motion by Hopfinger seconded by Kelm.

Motion by Byers seconded by Wilts to charge each dwelling in multi-unit housing a minimum of $15.00 for sewer and $15.00 for water, whether occupied or not, effective in November 2018 billing.

     Motion by Gladis seconded by Kelm to adjourn at 6:30pm.

Terry Wright, Mayor

Mary Raine, Finance Officer