
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

November 5, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes


Minutes 11.05.18

                The White City Council met for its regular meeting on November 5, 2018 @ 7:00 pm.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Terry Wright and he also led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call was taken, present were Tammy Byers, Dave Cutler, Chris Wilts, Wayne Kelm, Deb Hopfinger and Scott Gladis.  Also, present were Finance Officer Mary Raine, Maintenance Dept Head Dan DeYoung, Julie Westberg, Janiece Kregel, Scott Mohror with Banner & Assoc., Kelli Westberg and Dirk Byers.

                All votes were unanimous unless otherwise noted. Motion by Hopfinger to approve the agenda, seconded by Kelm.  Motion by Byers to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, seconded by Kelm.  Motion by Byers to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Wilts. The following bills were presented:  Heartland Power, September 18

$28,683.84; SD One Call, locates $8.40; East River Electric, power $3,716.41; B&B Auto, fire trk batteries $230.70; Am Assoc of Notaries, supplies $82.75; Profession Prints, promote White $119.07; Vistaprint, promote White $119.00; WAPA, power 9/18 $1363.38; Medexsupply, binder storage $112.19; Ultimate Office, binder storage $449.60;  City of White, utilities $1,576.22; Sean Hegdahl, refund utility deposit $200.00; Dustin Murphy, refund hall deposit $100.00; WAPA, May power $1412.84; Midwest Pest Control, rodent control $85.00; Cook’s Wastepaper & Recyling September, October, fall clean up & appliance pick-up’s $4370.00; SDRS, $52.45; BDRW, Oct 2018 water $1,658.05; eBay, envelopes $10.50; Tammy Byers, promote White supplies $19.15; Lowe’s, shop supplies $69.52; Meridian Pro, promote White supplies; Willmott Gravel, gravel $100.00; TEAM  Lab, lagoon chemicals $813.50; FCC, licensing fire dept $124.00; Appeara, rags, towels & mops $91.08; Brkgs Cty Sheriff contract law $1,595.65; Fite, Pierce & Ronning Law, attorney fees $175.00; SD Dept of Health, $346.00 water testing supplies; DMI, parts $416.00; Mary Raine, mileage $30.52; AFLAC, insurance $131.82; AT&T, cell phone $57.16; Glacial Lakes and Prairie Tourism, yearly ad $200.00; Brkgs Municipal, fix line $240.78; SDML, dues $542.74; Dan DeYoung, HRA $198.00; Mary Raine, HRA $250.00; ITC, phone & internet $189.90; ITC, internet substation $44.95; SD Resource Assoc, dues $25.00; SD Finance Officers Assoc, dues $40.00; SD Municipal Street Dept Assoc, dues $35.00; SD Assoc of Code Enforcement, dues $40.00; SD Building Officials Assoc, dues $50.00; Anderson Oil, Inc,; gas, diesel & heating fuel $1.865.43; City of Brkgs, landfill $367.40; SDML, conference registration $100.00; Brkgs Radio, promote White $200.00; Mary Raine, mileage $219.09; and Lowes, replacement saw & impact $225.94.

 Motion by Kelm to approve the building permits of Chad Schulz and Gary Page, seconded by Wilts.    Dirk Byers representing the Six Mile Creek Golf Course and Lefty’s Sports Pub. Discussion was held on the upcoming Liquor Agreements and license renewals.  Motion by Kelm seconded by Gladis to renew the on-sale Liquor License for B & S Investments, Inc dba Lefty’s Sports Pub.  Byers abstained.  Motion by Wilts seconded by Kelm to approve the renewal of the on-sale Liquor License for Six Mile Creek, Inc.  Motion by Byers to waive all past due fees of Six Mile Creek Golf Course due to the City of White and Six Mile Creek Golf Course, Inc bookkeepers’ errors from 2014, 2015 and 2016, seconded by Wilts.  Voting aye Byers, Kelm, Wilts and Hopfinger, voting nay Cutler and Gladis.  Motion passed.  Motion by Hopfinger to approve a change in the Liquor Agreement for Six Mile Golf Course, that they will pay for a yearly on/off sale malt beverage license and a yearly on sale liquor license with no other fees due the city.  Motion by Kelm to change the Liquor Agreement for B & S Investments, Inc to have them pay for a yearly on/off sale malt beverage license and a yearly on-sale liquor license and replacing the fee of 7% on malt beverage and 15% on liquor with a monthly flat fee of $120.00 due the 1st of each month seconded by Gladis.  Byers abstained.   Motion by Kelm, seconded by Gladis to not charge B & S Investment, Inc dba Lefty’s Sports Pub for a package liquor license as a courtesy since they warehouse the liquor purchases for the White Community Club and Six Mile Creek Golf Course.   Motion by Gladis to approve the agreement presented for 2 years to the  White Community Club and the renewal of the liquor license they have, which includes changes of eliminating the 7 % fee paid on malt beverage purchases and 15 % charge on liquor purchases, the City of White will be the soul contact entity for renters, securing the building and adjusting the thermostats after an event they sell liquor at and keeping the area around where they serve liquor safe for customers.  The City will also provide the White Community Club the on-sale liquor license at no charge, seconded by Byers.  Motion by Kelm to approve repairs of siding and steel roof for the school house at the museum to be done yet this fall, seconded by Byers.  Dan DeYoung gave a report on the maintenance department including getting ready for winter and tree trimming.   Motion by Byers to hire Olson Consulting to start enforcing nuisance laws, seconded by Hopfinger.  Voting aye Byers and Hopfinger.  Voting nay Cutler, Wilts, Gladis and Kelm.  Motion failed. The Finance Officer gave a report including new reports offered to the council, progress in the office, attending the Town and Townships Conference, a review of the SDML convention, purchasing new water meters, will have our contact person from Heartland Power come up and go over street lighting, that the bingo boards would not be put up in the area designated, gave the council an inspection sheet for the water tower, informed them the combination locks to the Finance Office had been installed, reminded the council the office will be closed to attend a safety conference in Pierre on November 7 & 8, 2018, informed the council of the bridal show, had estimates for a new office computer and she had set up a meeting with a credit card company to see if the city will start taking credit or debit cards.  Motion to purchase a new main office computer made by Gladis seconded by Hopfinger.  Motion by Gladis to serve disconnect notices on 2 accounts, seconded by Byers.  Motion made by Gladis, seconded by Hopfinger to go into executive session at 9:21 pm pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (1, 3, or/and 5).  The council came out of executive session at 10:04 pm.  Mayor Wright appointed a committee to review and create a new employee handbook, appointed to this committee are Gladis, Kelm and Byers along with Mayor Wright. Motion by Gladis, seconded by Kelm to adjourn. 

Terry Wright, Mayor

Mary Raine, Finance Officer