Dec. 3, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes
Minutes 12.03.18
The regular meeting of the White City Council was called to order at 7:00 pm. Mayor Wright led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with council members that were present were Tammy Byers, David Cutler, Chris Wilts, Wayne Kelm, Deb Hopfinger, Scott Gladis, also present was Mayor Terry Wright, Finance Officer Mary Raine and Dan DeYoung Maintenance Supervisor. Other people in attendance were Erik Gutormson, Marvin Skovlund, Arlene Madsen, Janiece Kregel, Julie Westberg, Kathie Loban and Susan Holida.
All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Gladis to approve the agenda. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Cutler to approve the minutes from November 2018 correcting the motion in lasts months meeting that stated “to waive all past due fees of the Six Mile Creek Golf Course due to the City of White and the Six Mile Golf Course, Inc bookkeepers errors from 2014, 2015, and 2016” to it should have read “to waive all past due fees of the Six Mile Creek Golf Course due to the City of White and Six Mile Creek Golf Course Inc. bookkeepers errors from 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and until July 31, 2018.” The error was discovered by the current Finance Officer in Feb of 2018. Motion to approve the bills as presented was made my Byers, seconded by Kelm. The following bills were presented: Anderson Oil, Inc. $132.02 fuel, Quill $101.06 office supplies, Appear $45.54 towels, rags, mops, White House Custom Colour $112.31 sign, ITC, Inc. $295.25 phone & internet, SDRS $48.27 penalty, Quill $25.08 savings club, PrintRunner $121.83 door hangers, AT&T $57.16 cell phone, Amazon $15.96 stamper, AFLAC $131.82 insurance premiums withheld from paychecks st no expense to the city, Ebay $74.49 office supplies, Brkgs Cty Sheriff $1,595.65 contract law, Midwest Glass Inc. $1,127.66, Willmott Gravel $100.00 gravel, Brkg Cty Hwy Dept. $687.33 sand & gravel, BDRW $1,824.10 bulk water, Maguire Iron, Inc $1,525.00 inspect water tower, Dan DeYoung HRA $198.00, Mary Raine HRA $250.00, Mary Raine $212.02 mileage to meetings, City of White $1,941.51 utilities, US Post Office-White $245.00 postage, SD One Call $9.45 locates, GOVOFFICE LLC $475.00 website support, WAPS $1,336.08 October power, Cooks Wastepaper & Recycling $2,022.00 garbage pickups, East River Electric $2,890.09 Oct power, Heartland Consumer Power $24,681.03 October Power, and SD Assoc of Towns and Townships $60.00 conference registration. Erik Gutormson met with the council to request the white netting be taken down for an event on Dec 7, 2017 and requested the heat be set at 68 degrees, Mayor Wright said he could take it down if needed. During public comments Arlene Madsen requested that tables be provided for attendees so they had a place to put their stuff, also Janiece Kregal spoke on that she had read an article and contacted the state water and wastewater department. mentioning that the can provide the service of sending a camera thru the sewer system at a cost less that the bid the Council accepted in a previous meeting, it was pointed out to her by the finance officer that the city was aware of this but their service doesn’t’ meet the city’s needs. Motion by Cutler, seconded by Kelm to offer the contract that was written to the Brookings Singles Club. Motion by Kelm seconded by Hopfinger to allow them to make quarterly payments. Mayor Wright set a meeting between the Liquor Committee and the White Community Club to go over the Liquor agreement, the meeting will be held Wednesday, December 5, 2019 at 6:30 pm in the Legion Room. Council member Kelm is on that committee but won’t be able to make it, so council member Wilts will fill in. A new employee handbook, safety manual, procurement policy, accident report and expense sheets had been provided for all council member to pick up and review from the committee set up to create a new documents, some council people hadn’t had time to go over all material so it will be discussed at a later date. Motion by Gladis seconded by Hopfinger to set up GOVPAYNET so the city can accept credit cards if customers wish to pay that way at no cost to the city the customer will pay the fee. Dan DeYoung, Maintenance Supervisor had nothing to report. Motion by Wilts seconded by Cutler NOT to hire Mike Olson as Code Enforcement Officer, Hopfinger nay, Gladis nay, Byers nay, Cutler aye, Wilts aye, Kelm aye, tie breaker was Mayor Wright voting nay, motion failed. Councilperson Gladis asked for more information to be gathered on this for the next meeting. Building permits were discussed, council decided to stay with the system they had
previously set up of Mayor Wright approving building permits if no variance is needed. No comments on the Sheriff’s report. Correspondence was gone over noting that Mediacom will be implementing an increase. Finance Office reported that the combination locks had been installed, requested to go to a workshop to prepare annual reports in Pierre in January, still working on deleting corrupt files on the office computer, and reported on the 2 meetings she attended in November. Delinquent bills were gone over, motion by Kelm 2nd by Hopfinger to send out notices. Motion by Kelm seconded by Cutler to set a special meeting for Thursday, December 20, 2018 to go over new handbooks, policies and other year-end business. The next regular meeting will be Monday, January 7, 2019 at 7:00 pm. Motion by Hopfinger seconded by Gladis to move into executive session at 9:27 pm.
The council came out of executive session at 10:20 pm. Motion by Hopfinger seconded by Byers to set current cleaning and mowing staff at a rate of $15.15 per hour for 2019. Motion by Byers seconded by Gladis to set the current Maintenance Department Supervisor was at $40,892.80 for the year 2019. Motion by Byers seconded by Gladis to set the hourly wage of the current finance officer at $20.81 per hour for 2019. Motion by Byers seconded by Kelm to leave the Mayor and Councilperson monthly regular meeting pay the same as previous years and to increase the Mayor’s and Councilperson’s pay for special meetings to $50.00 for 2019.
Motion by Byers seconded by Kelm to adjourn.
Terry Wright, Mayor
Mary Raine, Finance Officer