May 7, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes
Minutes 05.07.18
The meeting for the White City Council met at 7:04 pm on Monday, May 7, 2018 at the McKnight Hall. Present at the meeting were Terry Wright, Finance Officer Mary Raine, Maintenance Dept Supervisor Dan DeYoung, Wayne Kelm, Julie Westberg, David Cutler, Scott Gladis, Aspen Greene, Kory Thorstenson, Tammy Byers, Becky Hamm, Tracy Greene, Jasmine Greene, Don Hamm, Randy Hanson, Andrew E Mitchell, Josie Koopman, Chris Wilts and Deb Hopfinger.
Since the only valid petition filed was by the Mayor, Terry Wright, the Finance Officer swore him in as Mayor. The Mayor than preceded to appoint council members. Mayor Wright appointed Scott Gladis, he accepted the position and was sworn in by the Finance Officer. Scott Gladis than appointed Deb Hopfinger, she accepted and was sworn in by the Finance Officer. All motions were unanimous, unless noted otherwise. A motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Gladis to appoint Wayne Kelm to the council, Kelm accepted the position and was sworn in by Finance Officer. Kelm made a motion to appoint Dave Cutler to the council, seconded by Hopfinger, Cutler accepted the position and was sworn in by the Finance Officer. Dave Cutler made a motion to appoint Tam Byers to the council, seconded by Gladis, Byers accepted the position and was sworn in by the Finance Officer. Motion by Kelm to appoint Chris Wilts, seconded by Dave Cutler, Wilts accepted the position and was sworn in by the Finance Officer.
Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Motion by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to approve the bills as presented: SD One Call, $1.05; Heartland Power, March $25,656.48; East River Electric, March $3,329.68; Western Area Power, March $2,183.20: Midwest Pest Control, 2 months $170.00; SD Dept of Health, coliform $30.00; AT&T, cell phone $54.83, Randy Willmott Gravel, LLC, gravel $300.00; Willmott Gravel, snow removal $1,581.00; RFD News Group, Inc, publishing $62.63; Brkgs Cty Sheriff, contract law $1,595.65; Western Area Power, April $2,323.63; Appeara, mops, towels, rags $45.00; Truenorth Steel, culverts and bands $2,205.75; BDRW, water $1,720.25; Popham Construction, sweep streets $425.00; Hillyard, hall cleaning supplies $351.91; ITC, Inc, internet sub station $49.64; ITC, Inc, phone, internet $262.77; Anderson Oil, Inc, heating fuel, oil, gas and diesel $1,755.34; Dan DeYoung, mileage $88.28; Dan DeYoung, HRA $198.00; Mary Raine, HRA $250.00; Cook’s Wastepaper & Recycling, garbage 2 mos. $3862.85; Heartland Power, April $23,580.47; Mayor and Council Wages, qtrly $1,930.00, Wages Street & Utilities, $4,279.82; Wages Finance Office, $1,995.45; Wages Hall Cleaning, $525.50; SDRS employer match $373.59; and employer match SS & Med $646.67.
Randy Hanson with Farmstead introduced the new Andrew E Mitchell, the new architect for Farmstead. He also had someone interested in opening a restaurant and they introduced themselves and made inquires about the White community.
A building permit from Brian Kroll was submitted, motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to approve. A building permit from Dustin Murphy was submitted, motion by Hopfinger seconded by Kelm, all voting aye except Byers abstained. Jasmine Greene also had a building permit submitted, motion by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger. Aspen Greene also submitted a building permit, motion made by Wilts, seconded by Kelm.
Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to have the remaining streets in White swept.
The Finance Officers report included insurance issues, hooking up the electrical to the air conditioner installed last fall, garbage contracts, malt beverage licenses and installing new water meters. She had also received a call from David Rustin on who the city wanted on the Economic Development Committee for White and it was decided to have Terry Wright, Tam Byers and Wayne Kelm serve on that committee.
Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to allow the Finance Officer to attend Report Writer Mini-Session by Banyon, the 2018 Municipal Debit/Credit Workshop and the 2018 Budget Training sponsored by the South Dakota Municipal League.
Public comments were heard on places that need to adhere to city ordinances. City will follow up on these complaints.
Motion by Byers, seconded by Gladis to approve an agreement with the American Legion Post 88 using the McKnight Hall.
Motion by Wilts, seconded by Kelm to send disconnect notices to residents on the past due list.
Motion by Kelm, seconded by Wilts to adjourn at 9:39 pm.
Terry Wright - Mayor
Mary Raine - Finance Officer