February 5, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes
The White City Council held it’s regular meeting at 7:00 pm at the McKnight Community Hall on Monday, February 5, 2018. City council members present were Hopfinger, Cutler, Westberg, Kelm, Wilts and Mayor Wright. Also present were Finance Officer Raine, Maintenance Dept DeYoung, Kenneth and Becky Goens, Janice and John Kregel, Randy Hanson, Loren McKinney, Jeff Thomsen, Jon and Jodi Ekern, Ralph Engelstad, Mike Glazier, Paul Ekern, Rick Timm and Mary Nosbush.
All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted. Motion by Westberg, seconded by Wilts to approve the minutes from last meeting. Motion by Westberg seconded by Hopfinger to approve the following bills as presented: SDML Workman’s Comp $3055.00; batteries $19.57; SD Dept of Ag, $50.00;
First Bank & Trust $12.00; Cooks Wastepaper & Recycling $1917.40; Western Area Power $3037.23: Post Office $280.00; SDRS $42.88; Heartland Power $32,157.41; Hillyard $191.70; US Post Office $56.00; SDPAA $13,380.91; Itc, Inc $266.82; Itc, Inc $52.02; AT & T $54.36; SDAT&T $311.25; Wright, Arlen $36.00; SD Water & Wastewater $10.00; B&B Auto Service $69.66; Appeara $45.00; Office Peeps, Inc $24.18; Running’s $60.74; Omni-Pro Software $2800.00; Brkgs Municipal Utilities $224.49; Anderson Oil, Inc $1,149.22; Lowary, Anita $675.00; Mary Raine $94.28; Midwest Pest Control $85.00; BDRW $2,387.15; cleaning wages $398.75; finance dept wages $3517.50; cleaning hall $352.50; Maint. Dept $3325.19; council and mayor wages $$1735.00.
Randy Hanson gave an update on progress of Farmstead. Mike Glazier and Ralph Engelstad presented what they wanted to do with their development Prairie Ridge Addition. After presenting to the council, some inputs from residents, they changed the lot sizes and will adopt the same covenants of the addition closest to them. Once the covenants are registered with the register of deed, the council will than vote on plotting of the addition. Dan DeYoung, Maint. Dept. gave his report. Finance Officer Raine gave her report. Delinquent utility bills were presented, motion by Wilts seconded by Kelm to send disconnection notice to those indicated. Council moved into executive session at 9:01 pm. Council came out of executive session at 9:40 pm. Motion by Wilts, seconded by Kelm to adjourn.
Terry Wright
Mary Raine
Finance Officer