Oct. 1, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes
Minutes 10.01.2018
The White City Council met for its regular meeting on October 1, 2018 @ 7:00 pm. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Terry Wright, roll call was taken, present were Dave Cutler, Chris Wilts, Wayne Kelm and Deb Hopfinger, absent were Tammy Byers and Scott Gladis. Also, present was Finance Officer Mary Raine, Maintenance Department Head Dan DeYoung, Erik Gutormson, Julie Westberg, Charlotte Mickelson, Arlene Madsen, Donald Hamm, Joan Crooks, Kris Graslie and Matt Lagerstrom.
All votes were unanimous unless otherwise noted. Motion by Hopfinger to approve the minutes from the last two meetings, seconded by Kelm. Byers arrived at 7:03 pm. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to approve bills as presented. Following bills were presented: Brkgs Cty Treasurer, title transfer $21.20; SDML, registration for conference $100.00; City of White, utilities $1,442.53; City of White, payment of customers utility bill from their deposit $199.63; Jeremy Blum, return of utility deposit $162.12; Mark Ishmael, return of utility deposit $138.25; East River Electric, wheeling fees $3,940.07; Heartland Power, electricity for August $30,865.75; Kathy McKinney (Lutheran Church), hall refund $50.00; Quill, supplies $150.15; WAPA, electricity for August $1,412.64; Kelli Westberg, re-issue lost check $196.64; Petty Cash, postage $78.42; Jeff & Sheila Hanson, rebate $200.00; Anderson Oil Inc., gas $507.06; Appeara, rags, towels, mops $446.37; AT & T, cell phone $56.97; Brkgs Cty Sheriff, contract law $1,595.65; BDRW, water for September $2,000.40; Daniel DeYoung, HRA $198.00; ITC Inc., phones, internet $313.61; Lowes, supplies $59.39; Mary Raine, HRA, mileage, meal $500.55; Midwest Pest Control, rodent control $85.00; Office Peeps, Inc., cabinet locks $137.06; Prussman Contracting Inc., fix sewer $4,158.99; Runnings, saw, anti-freeze & misc. $646.45; SD Dept of Health, testing $30.00; SD One Call, locates $7.35; Anderson Oil Inc., 30-gal oil $468.00; Willmott Gravel Inc., gravel $100.00; AFLAC, $263.64; ClubHouse Hotel & Suites, room for election workshop $156.00. Third quarter wages Mayor and Council $4,270.00; Finance Dept. $14,059.64; Streets $2,530.80; Water $2,530.80; Electric $2530.80; Sewer $2,530.80; Hall cleaning $2,175.00; Parks $,336.00; employer share SS & Med $1,763.93 and SDRS $1,432.99.
Joan Crooks and Kris Graslie met with the council to ask permission to place a bench they had custom made in memory of Brian Graslie (brother and husband) in the Arthur Graslie Park. Discussion was held that it will need a cement slab so it is stable and secure. Both parties agreed and Mayor Wright will meet with Joan and Kris to decide on placement in the Park. Mayor Wright thanked Joan and Kris on behalf of the Council and City for the donation.
Erik Gutormson representing the American Legion Post 88. They are ready to hang the Bingo Boards and had samples of materials and carpet. They were asked instead of hanging the boards since they are only used once a year (the White Community Club said they were fine using the other bingo machine not connected to the electronic boards), if a stand couldn’t be made and stored in a closet or do as in the past and store under the stage. They said when under the stage someone in the band had spilled something and got one wet. The City said they could be covered in plastic and put all the way to the back and the council also said they’d supply help when setting them up. Councilperson Byers as Hall Supervisor asked if they would not hang them as the Hall has recently been remodeled and, with having other events in the Hall, they could get in the way. Still insisting to have them hung, it was decided that a carpeted box would cover them so they weren’t as noticeable. Motion by Kelm, seconded by Cutler to allow them to be hung with Wilts amending the motion that the council wants to see the covering and where the placement will be for the boards before they are hung with second by Hopfinger. Amended motion passed 4-1, with Byers voting no. It was also noted that the City is not liable for any damages the boards could incur during other events.
Chris Wilts removed herself from the council and went to the public side to contest her July water bill. Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Cutler to require Chris Wilts to pay for half of the extra gallons used since she cannot prove she didn’t use them since both meters read the same amount. Wilts abstained.
Motion by Byers, seconded by Wilts to elect Wayne Kelm as President of the City Council. Motion by Cutler, seconded by Kelm to elect Chris Wilts as Vice President.
Nuisances were discussed. Finance Officer Raine was asked to check with the County as to whether a certain home had been declared as completely constructed. A letter of complaint was also received from an organization next to another property that has many violations. The Mayor agreed to talk with that property owner before further action would be taken.
Dan DeYoung gave his maintenance report. He will be shutting off water at the City Park and Ballfields and winterizing them. He also plans to unclog culverts and trim trees. He informed the Council that the glider at the City Park was donated by the Norfeld Hutterite Colony.
The 2nd Street sewer issue was discussed with the problem being a rock that had lodged itself against a private sewer pipe that was sticking into the City 6” sewer pipe approximately 2” thus causing sewage to build up and backup into residences nearby. Furthermore, the City received three bids for cleaning and videoing the sewer lines from Hydro-Klean of Watertown, Pipemasters of Watertown, and RotoRooter of Sioux Falls. Motion by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to accept the lowest bid from Hydro-Klean, providing it met all of our requirements.
The Finance Officer gave a report of communication she’s had with residents. There is one complaint on the issue of being charged the minimums on water, sewer and electric. The property owner felt that just because the hook up was there, but they weren’t used, there should be no charge. The resident had also reached out to a councilperson. The council is standing by the decision they made in a previous meeting that if there is a building or structure on a property (vacant or not), a charge would be due. She also informed the council that the Election Workshop she and Councilperson Byers attended was very informative. The letter sent to apartment owners on the increase of rates was shared with the council. A citizen asked if the City would pay for paint if the Deubrook Art Class agreed to paint a mural on the east side of the restrooms at the City Park. The council was open to the idea and is waiting to hear if the Art Class is willing to do the project. The Finance Officer also asked if the City would pay the fees and bond for her to become a notary. Motion by Byers, seconded by Hopfinger to approve that request. There had also been a representative with Mediacom stop by the office to give a quote on switching providers. After viewing the proposal, the council decided to not change providers due to security reasons. In examining the ITC bill, the Finance Officer asked what the “ITC Notify Plan 2” was. It was explained the previous finance officer had asked for it in the March 2, 2015 meeting and the request was granted, but in checking with ITC, they advised the City of White that it had never been set up or used. Motion by Byers, seconded by Cutler to drop the “ITC Notify Plan 2” service. October 15 is Fall Citywide Cleanup Day.
Public Comments: Discussion was held on having the Festival of Trees. It was decided that the City would host the event in the Community Hall as in previous years. Setup of trees, as of now, is set for November 29 and 30 so they are on display for Santa Claus Day. The trees will need to be removed on December 28, 2018. Charlotte Mickelson of the White Historical Society asked if the Schoolhouse at the Museum could be resided and reroofed yet this year. We received a bid from Gary Emmett Construction and Charlotte will get a bid from Cobb Creek Construction.
Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Wilts to move into executive session at 9:07 pm.
The Council came out of executive session at 9:24 pm.
Motion by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 pm.
Terry Wright, Mayor
Mary Raine, Finance Officer