April 2, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes
Minutes 04.02.18
The White City Council met at 7:00 pm on Monday, April 2, 2018 at the McKnight Hall. Council members present were: Hopfinger, Cutler, Westberg, Kelm, Wilts and Mayor Wright. Also present were Finance Officer Raine, Maint. Dept DeYoung, Diane Kinney, Kory Thorstenson, Aspen Greene, Tracy Greene, Kyle and Melanie Haber, Tam Byers, Jen Olson, Lori Colberg, Randy Hanson, Craig Johnson, Geoff Andrews and Dirk Byers. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.
Motion made by Kelm seconded by Cutler to approve the minutes of the last 2 meetings. Motion by Westberg seconded by Kelm to approve the following bill presented:
DeYoung, HRA (Jan, Feb, March) $577.50; Raine, HRA (Jan, Feb, March) $750.00; East River Electric, Feb power $3,940.07; RFD News Group, publishing $14.59; Willmott Gravel, snow removal $714.00; Office Peeps, office supplies $36.09; Brkgs Cty Sheriff, contract law $1595.65; Appeara, hall towels, rags etc, $45.00; Anderson Oil, Inc, furnace firehall $2,130.00, fuel $333.60; Fishback Ins Co, bond $763.00; AT&T, cell phone $108.65; ITC, Inc, phone and internet $298.31; SDML, school $75.00; Prussman Contracting, Inc, plug at lagoon $312.00; Team Lab, dissolver & odor control $813.50; DeYoung, HRA $192.50; Raine, HRA $250.00; Aflac, insurance $395.46; BDRW. March water $2,196.05; Paul Ekern, research $50.00; Board Salaries, $1,470.00; wages for office & maintenance $3,026.41; wages, hall cleaning $$367.50; IRS, 941 deposits $706.00; and SDRS. Retirement $181.58.
Randy Hanson was present and introduced the people that has rented office space and also those opening Torque Fitness. Everything is on schedule to be done by their June 1st deadline.
Dirk Byers representing Six Mile Creek Golf Course had discussion on the error of not paying the 7% agreement charge on the beer purchased for resale in the years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. The agreement states the manager of the club house is responsible, but also the finance officer of the city should have realized the City wasn’t receiving the payment as the other establishment made their payments.
The Pioneer Day Committee was also present again to see if motions would be made for Pioneer Days. Motion by Hopfinger seconded by Wilts to approve a 3-day malt beverage license. Motion by Kelm seconded by Hopfinger for the city to supply 6 to 8 port-a-poddies for the event. Motion made by Wilts seconded by Hopfinger to decline to pay for an extra dumpster. Motion by Westberg seconded by Wilts to have the Mayor visit with the County law enforcement on open containers during the celebration. Motion to approve using the same area for the Demo Derby with the same agreements as last year made by Wilts seconded by Kelm. Also, discussion was held about flushing hydrants so residents in that area would have clean water.
The finance officers report included complaints received from residents on the extra pea rock left from last year’s street sealing and still working with the IRS over penalties received for not filing 941’s in the years 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. It was reported that they would not wave the penalty and interest for 2013 because it was more than 3 years past due, they did give some relief on the year 2016 the penalties and interest were over $5,000.00 dollar to begin with. Also, Cook’s was contacted and clean up day will be May 11th.
Melanie Haber met with the board wanting to settle on a letter she had received from the council wanting her to payback the health insurance stipend she received after she left her position on January 2, 2017. The total mentioned in the letter was $750.00, the council agreed that $250.00 of that was for her December 2016 stipend. Motion by Westberg seconded by Kelm to take a repayment of $500.00. She left without settling.
Dan DeYoung’s report included that it got to late last fall for the streets to be swept, but the plan is to have it done this spring and he will also fix the mentioned bad spots. Correspondence for the council was talk about. Craig Johnson and Geoff Andrews asked the council about the road in front of the houses at the golf course, discussion was held and some more research is being done. Motion made by Wilts seconded by Kelm to send disconnect notices out on past due accounts.
Motion by Hopfinger seconded by Cutler to go into extinctive session at 9:09 om. Board came out of executive session at 9:39 pm. Motion by Kelm seconded by Hopfinger to adjourn.