
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

June 4, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes

The White City Council met for it’s regular meeting at 7:00 pm, Monday June 4, 2018 at 7;02 pm. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wright. Present at the meeting were Mayor Wright, Council persons Tammy Byers, Dave Cutler, Chris Wilts, Wayne Kelm, Deborah Hopfinger and Scott Gladis.  Also present were Finance Officer Mary Raine, Maintenance Supervisor Dan DeYoung, Arlene Madsen, Julie Westberg, Dirk Byers, Janiece Kregel, Randy Hanson, Michael Cook, Don Hamm and Dennis “Mike” Olson.

All motions were unanimous unless otherwise noted.  Motion made by Hopfinger, seconded by Byers to approve the minutes for the last meeting. Motion by Byers, seconded by Kelm to approve the bills as presented: Post Office-White, postcard stamps and mailings $215.68; East River Electric, April Power $3,273.97; Aflac May, $131.82; Ryan Sween, hall deposit $100.00; Cassidy Bauman, hall deposit $100.00; Beth Molengraff, hall deposit $100.00; Nicolas Stover pay last utility bill out of deposit and refund the remaining, $81.07 & $118.93; Petty Cash, postage $112.53; Daniel DeYoung, HRA $198.00; Mary Raine, HRA $250.00; Popham Construction, picking up pea rock, $7000.00; T & R Electric, transformer $7,425.00; Brkgs Municipal, cut power $220.00; SD Federal Property Agency, office supplies $20.75; ITC, Inc substation internet $49.64; ITC, Inc phone and internet $268.21; SD Dept of Health, testing $89.00; BDRW, water May $1864.55; Anderson Oil, Inc., gas/dsl/plumbing $402.44; Appeara, rags, mops & towels $45.00; SD One Call, locating $1.05; Quill, office supplies $70.69; Banyon Data Systems, Inc, software support PR $795.00; AT & T, cell phone $54.83; Brkgs Cty Sheriff, May contract law $1,595.65;

ABC, annual contract $240.00; ABC fire alarm inspection $427.00; Aflac, June $131.82; SDRS, $36.15; SDML, workshops $75.00; Banyon Data Systems, Inc, report writer class $35.00; Wesco, meters $570.00; DENR, permit $550.00, payroll by department including employer share, Finance Office $4,425.16, Street Dept, $1,194.51; Sanitation Dept, $1,194.61; Water Dept, $1,194.61; Electric Dept, $1,194.61; Park Dept., $72.64; Hall $1,239.03.

Public comments were from Janiece Kregel about some improvements she received from others-- at the park, new basketball hoops and a sand volleyball court.  She was informed the city had already purchased and received new backboards, rims and net.  The city is coordinating an installation time with volunteers.  On the thought of a sand volleyball court, it was mention that the city had one at a previous time and it became a cat litter box, but more thoughts will be put into this idea.  She also mentioned that someone may be doing an auto clinic in the future.  Randy Hanson also spoke during public comments, updating the council on the Farmstead project.

Julie Westberg representing the White Community Club asked if some storage cupboards could be installed on the southside of the north kitchen window for the Community Club to have more storage.  It was decided that a cupboard in the kitchen that’s holding old dishes that aren’t being used will be cleaned out and they can use that space.

Dirk Byers representing Six Mile Creek Golf Course and B & S Investments dba Lefty’s Sports Pub and Julie Westberg representing the WCC talked with the board about the liquor agreement and the agreement percentages paid to the city.  The city appointed a couple of council people and the representatives to do some more checking into the options and this week when the finance officer attends the Finance Officer’s school she will also try to gain information on this matter.

Michael Cook representing Cook’s Wastepaper and Recycling was present, they were the only company to submit a bid for garbage collection.  Motion made by Hopfinger seconded by Kelm to accept the bid of $10.00 per household for one 95-gallon cart with recycling picked up twice a month.  Additional carts are available upon request at a bid of $6.00 per can.

Dan DeYoung notified that he would be flushing hydrants on Monday June 18, 2016, the pea rock had been put in piles and will be sold as surplus supplies and has begun spraying for mosquitos.

The Finance Officer’s report included a flyer that was given to each council person and mayor on an upcoming Elected Officials Workshop, if any of them want to go they are to contact the finance officer so she can register them.  A request from Aspen Greene about doing a ribbon cutting and placing the sign for Torque Fitness, the council thought that the ribbon cutting should be during Pioneer Days when The Farmstead has their Open House and placing the sign would be ok until the Farmstead sign was set.  The Deubrook Library requested a donation of $1500.00, motion by Wilts seconded by Cutler to approve the donation.    An email on behalf of the Deubrook Community Library was also read requesting a donation for a special program with Phil Baker to kick off the summer program.  Motion by Byers seconded by Cutler to approve a $100.00 donation. Hopfinger abstained.  Finance Officer reported she applied for a grant of $750.00 to increase mosquito spraying.  It had been asked by a member of the community if Churches could put special announcements on the digital sign, motion by Kelm seconded by Byers to approve this.  Motion by Kelm seconded by Hopfinger to approve building permits for Paul Ekern, Kassidy TeKrony and Jonna Quail.   The mayor had requested that an updated department roster be completed. 

With discussion of the council, the department committees for the City of White are as follows:  STREET DEPARTMENT-Wayne Kelm and David Cutler.  ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT- Wayne Kelm and Deborah Hopfinger.  McKNIGHT HALL, PICINIC SHELTER, PARK BATHROOMS, AND ATHLETIC COMPLEX BUILDING- Tammy Byers will be Supervisor and in charge of custodians, Chris Wilts will also serve on this department.  PARK AND COMPLEX MOWING AND UPKEEP—Wayne Kelm and Scott Gladis. MUNICIPAL LIQUOR AND AUDIT DEPARTMENT- Scott Gladis, Wayne Kelm and Dave Cutler.  RISK MANAGEMENT & ALL OTHER CITY PROPERY- Chris Wilts. DEUBROOK LIBRARY BOARD- Deborah Hopfinger. CODE ENFORCEMENT- TERRY WRIGHT and the COUNCIL PEOPLE FOR THEIR OWN WARDS WILL TAKE CARE OF THAT WARD.  ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPRESENTATIVE- Terry Wright, Tammy Byers and Wayne Kelm. FINANCE DEPARTMENT- Deborah Hopfinger and Scott Gladis. WHITE COMMUNITY CLUB REPRESENTATIVES-Tammy Byers and Chris Wilts.

Correspondence was received from Omni-Pro Software, Inc about the load management software being 23 years old and will need to be updated in the next year or so.

Delinquent bills were gone over, motion by Wilts seconded by Byers to send disconnect notices.

Olson Consulting/Contracting Service met with the board to explain what he does and the results he gets on enforcing nuisance ordinances.  Council will do further investigating into this matter.  Part time employment for ball fields and updating ordinances was discussed. Motion by Hopfinger seconded by Kelm to move into executive Session SDCL 1-25-2.  Council came out of executive session at 10:32 pm.

Motion by Kelm to rescind the prior motion passing the building permits for Paul Ekern, Kassidy TeKrony and Jonna Quail, seconded by Hopfinger.  Motion made by Hopfinger, seconded by Gladis to approve the building permit of Paul Ekern.  Motion by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to approve building permit for Jonna Quail.  Motion by Kelm, seconded by Byers, that after the nuisances against TeKrony are taken care of the building permit will be approved.

Motion by Wilts seconded by Kelm to table hiring any part time employment for ballfield upkeep or updating city resolutions and ordinances.  Motion by Kelm seconded by Hopfinger to adjourn at 10:44 pm.


Terry Wright - Mayor

Mary Raine - Finance Officer