
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

March 21, 2016 Board of Equalization Meeting Minutes

White City Council Minutes

Local Board of Equalization

March 21, 2016


The White City Council Board of Equalization Meeting was called to order on Monday, March 21st, 2016 in the McKnight Community Center at 6:30pm by Mayor Terry Wright. Roll Call was taken: present – Tammy Byers, Chris Wilts (via conference call), Chris Willmott, Wayne Kelm and Deborah Hopfinger.

Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to approve the agenda; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

Tax appeals made included:

  •          Mary Trewatha

o   Parcel- 37300-00100-002-0

o   Legal Description - Papka Addition Lot 1 Exc W 81.5’ Lot 2 Block 1 & Outlot 2 of States Addition

o   Reason for Appeal – County raised value of her home by 122% as they did with 75 other mobile/modular homes in the county due to increases in home values that sold within the last year

o   Board Decision – Based on a 2014 appraisal done on the home, the board felt that a fair value on the property would be $76,400 plus $16,600 of land value. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Hopfinger to adjust valuation of the home from $103,600 to $76,400; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

  •          John Olson

o   Parcel – 37410-00200-0013-00

o   Legal Description – Six Mile Creek Addition Lot 13, Block 2

o   Reason for Appeal – Reduced buildable area due to ingress and egress easements. The Department of Equalization reviewed the plat and recommends a 5% reduction to equalize to other lots in the same development.

o   Board Decision – Based on the recommendation by the DOE, the board felt that a fair value on the property would be $14,300. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Hopfinger to adjust valuation of the land from $15,000 to $14,300; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

  •          White City

o   Parcel – 37375-00000-003-05

o   Legal Description – Sherwood’s Second Addition, Care Center Lot 1 of Outlot 3

o   Reason for Appeal – City purchased this property by deed wasn’t filed prior to assessment notices being sent. Property needs all value exempted and classification change to Exempt.

o   Board Decision – Based on the recommendation by the DOE, and the fact that the property was purchased in August of 2015, the board recognized that an abatement should be made totaled $3,271.90 for the months of August through December. Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Byers to approve of classification change and request abatement of $3,271.90; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

With no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Willmott, seconded by Kelm to adjourn; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:12pm.

Terry Wright, Mayor

Melanie Haber, Finance Officer