
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

May 2, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes

White City Council Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2016


                       White City Council met on May 2nd with the meeting coming to order at 7:08, All were present except Christi Wilts and Tammy Byers, who had submitted her resignation from the council on Monday, April 25th.
                       New council member Martha Brandt and incumbent Wayne Kelm were sworn into their respective positions, as well as unopposed mayor candidate, Terry Wright. The Agenda was reviewed and additions regarding maternity leave, Tammy’s resignation and council replacement qualifications were added. The agenda was approved by a motion from Chris Willmott and seconded by Kelm. The April meeting minutes were also read and approved with a motion from Willmott and second by Kelm. The listing of bills to be paid will be approved via email .
                       Susan Miller approached the council to discuss rent options for pursuing a yoga class. She has attained her yoga teaching degree, having completed 200 hrs. of instruction time in Sioux Falls. She will be teaching a restful form of yoga, not the pilates version and hopes to eventually teach a style called “curvy yoga” which is more accommodating for heavier people. The council decided to approve a monthly fee of $50, with a day and time to be determined after reviewing the hall calendar. Motion to create a hall contract for this was made by Deb Hopfinger and seconded by Kelm.
                       Randy Hanson with Mills Construction, approached the council with a slightly modified floor plan which made the fitness center larger and decreased the size of the restaurant. An ADA accessable apartment was also added to the design. No further updates with regards to a possible pharmacy, however it is still being pursued. An office space was also added for a small business opportunity.
                       Part-time summer help applicants were discussed and decided upon. Wayne Kelm recommended Tracy Haaseth be hired as the main summer employee with Alice Rennich as a backup helper. Both would do mowing and hall cleaning, as well as other duties as needed.
                       The council received mower bids from seven different dealers within the area. Several offered trade in options for the existing mower and a couple different models per bid. Chris Willmott, Wayne Kelm and Dan DeYoung will review all the bids and inform the council as to their recommendations, to be decided at next months’ meeting.
                       Liquor licenses were submitted and approved for Leftys, motion made by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm  and Six Mile Creek, motion made by Kelm and seconded by Hopfinger. License paperwork needs to be sent in by May27th.
                       Motion made by Willmott to table the Hall Improvements for now, with Kelm seconding.  Need to meet with White Community Club and others who were involved with making those decisions before proceeding further.
                       Dan DeYoung reported that the water  and electricity  will be turned on in the park by Tuesday, May 3rd and the ball diamonds are ready too. The lagoon has been tested and all is ok, so will be draining that this month. He also advised, beginning May 12th, that he will be working from 8am to 3pm on Thursdays through summer , unless there is an emergency.
                       At 8:04pm, council member Kelm made a motion to convene into executive session with Randy Hanson. Martha Brandt seconded the motion. At 8:24pm, motion was made by Willmott to exit the session and seconded by Kelm. Willmott also made the motion to attend the county commissioners meeting with Randy to help convince them to approve the discretionary formula for the care center taxes, that has been worked out with Randy. Kelm seconded that motion as well and the council and any city residents are welcome to attend. Information on the date of the next meeting will be posted.
                       Upcoming meeting dates for city council is June 6th at 7pm. Old business that was discussed included bids for items left at the care center and it was decided that Mayor Wright and Willmott would review the list and cross-reference , accepting the best prices for the items. There was no correspondence to open. Nuisances continue to be barking and un-restrained dogs.  The Maternity leave policy was reviewed and FMLA approves up to 12 weeks. Tammy Byers resignation was discussed, however at this time it will not be posted in the newspaper to fill the vacancy.
                        Currently, the computer for the city office is out of order, so financial statements and other items needing to have been printed from the computer will need to be discussed at next months meeting or through email correspondence. Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm
Deb Hopfinger, City Councilmember