January 4, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the White City Council was called to order on Monday January 4, 2016 in the McKnight Community Center at 7:00pm by Mayor Terry Wright. Roll Call was taken: present – Tammy Byers, Chris Wilts, Chris Willmott, Wayne Kelm, and Deborah Hopfinger.
Motion was made by Byers, seconded by Kelm to approve the agenda; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The regular meeting minutes were read from December 9th. Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Wilts to approve the minutes as read; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The following bills were presented for approval:
Name | Description | Amount |
Aflac | Aflac Insurance Premiums for December 2015 | 109.85 |
Ag First Farmers Coop | 1 Gal Tri-Mec | 56.12 |
AT&T Mobility | CELL PHONE BILL 690-5030 | 33.60 |
Brookings County Highway Dept. | Salt Sand Delivered | 758.53 |
Brookings-Deuel Rural Water System | December Water | 1,800.20 |
Central Business Supply | Quickstage Skirting | 472.94 |
Christi Wilts | Payroll for Quarter 4 of 2015 | 313.99 |
Christopher Willmott | Payroll for Quarter 4 of 2015 | 313.99 |
Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling | December Garbage Pickups | 1,805.20 |
Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling | White Clinic Garbage Service | 61.48 |
Courtesy Plumbing | White Care Center Repair | 156.83 |
Deluxe Business Systems | Checks | 194.97 |
Daniel DeYoung | Payroll for December 2015 | 2,441.04 |
Daniel DeYoung | Health Insurance Stipend Dec 2015 | 250.00 |
Deborah Hopfinger | Payroll for Quarter 4 of 2015 | 33.08 |
East River Electric | November Transmission Service | 3,136.65 |
EFTPS | Payroll Taxes December 2015 | 1,354.58 |
First Bank & Trust | Cash Management Service Fee | 10.00 |
First Bank & Trust | Safe Deposit Box Annual Fee | 12.00 |
First Bank & Trust | Withdrawals | 190.00 |
First District Association of Local Govmt | 2016 Membership Dues | 498.67 |
Interstate Telecommunications Coop | Phone service for December 2015 | 282.38 |
Lowe's | City Supplies | 94.21 |
Melanie Haber | Payroll for December 2015 | 1,800.31 |
Melanie Haber | Health Insurance Stipend Dec 2015 | 250.00 |
Party Depot | Table Rental for Dueling Keys | 338.67 |
RFD News Group, Inc. | November Publishing | 394.50 |
SD Water & Wastewater Association | 2016 Membership | 10.00 |
SDRS | Retirement Contributions for December 2015 | 634.04 |
Servall | Mop/Rag/Towel Rental | 49.92 |
South Dakota Department of Agriculture | 2016 Forest/Ornamental/Turf Recertification | 50.00 |
South Dakota Department of Health | Chemicals | 30.00 |
South Dakota Department of Labor | Quarterly File Report | 10.00 |
South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance | Insurance Premium - Property | 5,113.29 |
South Dakota State Treasurer | December 2015 Sales Tax | 2,131.78 |
Stein Sign Display | 50% down for community sign | 12,070.50 |
Tammy Byers | Payroll for Quarter 4 of 2015 | 313.99 |
Tammy Byers | Reimbursement for Christmas bulbs | 387.08 |
Team Lab Chemical Corp. | Spray | 874.50 |
Terry Wright | Payroll for Quarter 4 of 2015 | 387.87 |
Town & Country Shopper | Healthcare Administrator Ad | 70.00 |
Wal-Mart | Christmas Decorations | 85.84 |
Wayne Kelm | Payroll for Quarter 4 of 2015 | 235.49 |
Western Area Power Administration | November 2015 Power | 3,173.96 |
Willmott Gravel, Inc. | Digging & Service Truck Hours | 1,351.50 |
GRAND TOTAL | 44,143.55 |
Willmott inquired about another bill from Team Lab Chemicals. DeYoung stated that he orders this spray every quarter. Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Byers to approve all the bills as presented; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
At 7:05pm, the Council discussed the update on the old White Care Center building. The councilmembers who were present at the Mills Construction meeting held on December 16th discussed the topics at hand. Byers felt that Mills was on the same page as the council in development of the facility. They had the same ideas that the council and the public had previously discussed. Finance Office, Melanie Haber, presented the council with the ad that will be published to accept bids for the van they acquired from the Care Center. The full ad can be found online at white.govoffice2.com under the News tab. Bids are due by February 1st, 2016. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Kelm to approve of the ad; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
Discussion also took place about the utility bill for the building being so high again for the month of December. Willmott stated that he had inspected the property and found at least 5 water leaks that should be repaired. The council also discussed the option of putting in a small tank less water heater for the clinic. This would allow for the other water heaters to be turned off therefore saving energy. Willmott also stated that he turned the heat down even further throughout the facility hoping that would help. Motion was made by Byers, seconded by Hopfinger to hire a plumber to come in and look at the facility and get a bid for a tank less water heater; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The Council proceeded to discuss the new digital solar powered speed signs that were received. Brookings County Sergeant, Jon Pike, was present at the meeting and stated the wrong signs were delivered. He ordered solar-powered ones, but the ones that came were not. He will take them back and hopefully have the correct ones by next week. He also mentioned that the county will receive the bill and they will turn around and pay a portion of it and the city will then be responsible for the remaining amount of approximately $2,240.00. These signs will be placed on Hooker Ave on the north side of town and on East Main Street on the edge of town. Once they are installed, the city is responsible for the maintenance.
The community digital sign progress will take place in January. They are planning to have the sign set by the middle of the month. The new letters on the front of the hall will also be installed at this time.
Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Willmott to enter into Executive Session for personnel discussion at 7:33pm; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
Council exited Executive Session at 8:29pm.
Dan DeYoung, City Maintenance Superintendent, reported that he will be attending classes in Watertown, SD on January 15th to renew his certifications. He also notified the council that the city van needed some maintenance done and will be in the shop for a couple days. In the meantime, he will be using his personal vehicle. Byers asked about installing a dimmer switch to the new lights in the hall as requested by the Brookings Singles Club. Unfortunately, since the lights are not hard wired, the city does not feel a dimmer switch would work correctly and doesn’t feel the need.
Melanie Haber, Finance Officer, addressed an issue with Cook’s Wastepaper & Recycling at 105 West 4th Street. The previous owners rented a large dumpster from Cook’s and have since filled it and moved out. Cook’s has been trying to reach them, but have not had any luck. The total rental bill is over $500 and the cost to dump the items in the dumpster is unknown as it is paid by weight. Cook’s is asking if the city would be willing to pay this bill on behalf of the owners and turn the bill over to collections along with their already past due utility bill. Cook’s stated that if they don’t get the bill paid they will dump the contents in the driveway and take their dumpster back leaving the city will a huge pile of trash in town. The Council was divided on this issue with half not wanting to get involved and half trying to work out a deal with Cook’s. Mayor Wright stated that he will speak with a representative from Cook’s and see what arrangement can be made.
Haber also updated the council on the holiday events that took place in December. She said that all 3 events were a huge success and included the Festival of Trees, Santa Movie Night, and Dueling Pianos. Many residents are already asking when the next event will be. She gave a quick rundown of the profit and expenses that occurred with the balance being a break-even type situation, which is what was expected. The White Community Club, who ran the bar, made a great profit overall.
Upcoming Meetings/Dates/Agenda Items included:
- February 1st, 2016 - Next Regular City Council Meeting – McKnight Hall – 7pm
Councilmember, Byers, stated that she will be absent from the next meeting. Wilts asked about allowing the Deubrook Booster Club to come in over the weekend to do a quick rundown of how they plan to setup the hall for their Prom Dress Resale event. The Council had no problem with allowing them entrance for the day.
Old Business included:
- Museum Roof Repair – The city is still waiting on a couple of items inside to be completed.
- Verizon Cell Tower – Byers has made some progress and had a couple of calls to make.
- Amp Electric Bill – This bill was not paid at the December 2015 meeting. Haber stated that she has contacted Robbins Construction to investigate this issue and has also notified Amp Electric of the questions and progress being made.
Public comments – None.
The Contract Law Report was read.
Correspondence – Wright stated that he received a nice holiday card from the ice cream truck that has been in town.
Nuisances included:
- Tree down on personal property that may be affecting snow plowing. Council discussed this not being an issue.
- A couple of parked vehicles in town do not have updated license plates.
- Deubrook School south parking lot light being too bright when traveling on 5th Street.
- Removing cross walk sign in front of bank.
Other topics discussed included
- Hanging entrance signs on the front of the hall for Finance Office and Event Hall. Wright is responsible to do this.
- Byers ordered 42 new cupboard handles for in the kitchen.
- Posting of office hours and maintenance hours
The delinquent utility bill statement was presented to the Council with a total of 20 accounts being delinquent. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Hopfinger to approve of disconnecting all 20 accounts if not paid for by the 20th of the month; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The Financial Statements were presented to the Council. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Kelm to approve of the financial statements.
With no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Willmott, seconded by Kelm to adjourn; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:12pm.
Terry Wright, Mayor
Melanie Haber, Finance Officer