
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

October 25, 2016 Special Budget Meeting Minutes

White City Council Minutes
Special Meeting
October 25, 2016


The special meeting of the White City Council was called to order on Tuesday, October 25th, 2016 in the McKnight Community Center at 6:00pm by Mayor Terry Wright. Roll Call was taken: present –Deborah Hopfinger, Wayne Kelm, Christi Wilts and Martha Brandt.

Motion was made by Wilts, seconded by Kelm to approve the agenda; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

The Council was presented with a 2016 budget review showing where the budget was sitting through September 2016. Finance Officer, Melanie Haber, brought concerns to the table for discussion. Overall, there were not any major concerns. Wilts thought the City should look into contracting snow removal out compared to what the City pays DeYoung. Other suggestions included giving the Fire Department and the Maintenance Department a copy of their budget each year and review at the end of the year with the supervisors.

The Council then discussed what the 2017 budget should look like. Haber inserted her suggestions for project budgets and other areas of concern. Overall, there were a couple of minor changes but nothing major. Wright asked Haber to look into what other towns are paying their council members as well as what the state requirements are for sewer and water rates in order to qualify for grants.

With no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Hopfinger, seconded by Wilts to adjourn; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm.

Terry Wright, Mayor

Melanie Haber, Finance Officer