June 14, 2016 Special Meeting Minutes
The special meeting of the White City Council was called to order on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 in the McKnight Community Center at 7:00pm by Mayor Terry Wright. Roll Call was taken: present –Chris Wilts, Chris Willmott, Wayne Kelm and Deborah Hopfinger; Absent – Martha Brandt.
Chris Wilts asked the Council about adding discussion of a policy for missing meetings. Discussion will take place at next regular meeting. Chris Willmott asked to add discussion about the White Care Center on the agenda under other. Wright also asked to add discussion from the Pioneer Days Committee. Additions were made and motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Kelm to approve of the agenda.
Finance Office, Melanie Haber, presented the Council with the following bills:
Name | Memo | Amount | |
| |||
Aflac | Aflac Insurance Premiums for June 2016 | 109.85 | |
A-I Computer Solutions | Computer Virus Removal | 692.48 | |
Alice Rennich | May 2016 Wages | 105.28 | |
Allegra Print & Imaging | Park & Rec Booklets | 689.88 | |
Anderson Oil Company, Inc. | April & May Fuel | 346.74 | |
AT&T Mobility | CELL PHONE BILL 690-5030 | 36.01 | |
Automatic Building Controls | Annual checkout of fire alarm system | 410.00 | |
Automatic Building Controls | Annual Monitor Contract of Fire Alarm System | 240.00 | |
Brookings County Sheriff's Office | May 2016 Contract Law | 1,595.65 | |
Brookings County Sheriff's Office | June 2016 Contract Law | 1,595.65 | |
Brookings-Deuel Rural Water System | May Water | 1,962.05 | |
City of Brookings - Animal Control Dept. | Impound Bill | 438.36 | |
City of Brookings - Landfill | Clean-up Day | 341.44 | |
Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling | May Garbage Pickups | 1,795.85 | |
Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling | White Clinic Garbage Service | 123.25 | |
Courtesy Plumbing | Repair PVC water line | 203.59 | |
Daniel DeYoung | Payroll for May 2016 | 2,439.49 | |
Daniel DeYoung | Health Insurance Stipend May 2016 | 250.00 | |
East River Electric | May Transmission Service | 2,535.90 | |
East River Electric | April Transmission Service | 3,316.60 | |
Fite, Pierce & Ronning Law Office | Jan - May Legal Services | 692.25 | |
Hartung Electric | Labor & Services for wiring Community Sign | 844.36 | |
Hartung Electric | Labor & Services for Care Center | 451.31 | |
Heartland Consumers Power District | May Power | 18,441.69 | |
Hillyard | Hall Supplies | 60.54 | |
Interstate Telecommunications Coop | Phone service for May 2016 | 292.56 | |
Melanie Haber | Health Insurance Stipend May 2016 | 250.00 | |
Melanie Haber | Payroll for May 2016 | 707.55 | |
Midwest Pest Control | Pest Spray | 80.00 | |
Popham Construction LLC | Sweeping Service | 325.00 | |
RFD News Group, Inc. | March & April Publishing | 360.30 | |
Roelofsen Implement, Inc. | New Mower | 6,624.00 | |
SD Dept of Environment & Natural Resource | Annual Fees | 270.00 | |
Servall | Mop/Towel Rental | 18.95 | |
South Dakota Department of Health | Chemicals | 91.00 | |
South Dakota One Call | One Call | 9.45 | |
South Dakota One Call | One Call | 9.45 | |
South Dakota State Treasurer | May 2016 Sales Tax | 1,480.18 | |
Team Lab Chemical Corp. | Spray | 812.50 | |
Tim Cariveau | May 2016 Wages | 486.22 | |
Tracey Haaseth | May 2016 Wages | 260.43 | |
Western Area Power Administration | May 2016 Power | 1,882.99 | |
Western Area Power Administration | April 2016 Power | 3,097.00 | |
Willmott Gravel, Inc. | Loads of Gravel | 310.00 | |
Grand Total | 57,085.80 |
Discussion took place about the animal control bill. Some felt that we should not have to pay for Brookings Animal Control to come get an animal. And others felt that we should have to bill out the owner of the animal. However, often times the animal does not have an owner. The Council also asked for the Finance Office to put together an Item Bill List for last month. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Wilts to approve of the bills as is; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The Council was also presented with April’s financial statements. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Kelm to approve financial statements; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The Council proceeded to officially hire Tim Cariveau as the Hall Custodian at $13.00/hour. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Kelm; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
Cheri Selleck and Jen Olson, representatives from the Pioneer Days Committee, were present. They requested $1,000 from the city to pay for half the cost of the Black Water Band on Saturday July 16th. They also asked for extra dumpsters and porta potties at the park along with a large supply of paper towels and toilet paper at the park. They also requested to have Main Street roped off the corner of Lefty’s Sports Pub to the front of the McKnight Hall for Friday July 15th and Saturday July 16th. The committee will also need to fill out a request for a beer license in the park for that weekend and submit to the City. Further discussion will take place at the next regular meeting on July 5th.
The Council entered executive session for personnel reasons at 7:21pm with a motion made by Willmott, seconded by Wilts. Council existed session at 8:19pm.
The Council officially agreed to hire Mary Raine as a seasonal part-time employee for the Finance Office at $13.00/hour. Mayor Wright will contact to adjust office hours according to her schedule. The Council also discussed replacing the duties of former Councilmember Tammy Byers which included Finance Office Supervisor and Hall Supervisor. Chris Willmott volunteered to act as the Finance Office Supervisor and Chris Wilts will act at the Hall Supervisor.
Chris Willmott stated that a final total of $1,838 will be collected from the Wilmot Care Center for surplus items at the Care Center.
With no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Hopfinger, seconded by Willmott to adjourn; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Terry Wright, Mayor
Melanie Haber, Finance Officer