September 5, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes
White City Council Minutes
September 12, 2016
The regular meeting of the White City Council was called to order on Monday, September 12th, 2016 in the McKnight Community Center at 7:00pm by Mayor Terry Wright. Roll Call was taken: present –Chris Wilts, Wayne Kelm, Martha Brandt and Deborah Hopfinger.
With no additions or deletions to the agenda, motion was made by Wilts, seconded by Kelm to approve the agenda; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The meeting minutes were read from the August 1st regular meeting. Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Wilts to approve the minutes as read; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The following bills were presented for approval:
Name | Description | Amount |
Aflac | Aflac Insurance Premiums for September 2016 | 109.85 |
Alice Rennich | August 2016 Wages | 144.07 |
Anderson Oil Company, Inc. | Oil & Grease | 128.80 |
Anderson Oil Company, Inc. | August Fuel | 265.00 |
Anderson Oil Company, Inc. | Service Work | 103.25 |
Anderson Oil Company, Inc. | July Fuel | 213.97 |
AT&T Mobility | CELL PHONE BILL 690-5030 | 35.14 |
B&B Auto Service | Battery MOSQUITO SPRAYER | 83.83 |
Brookings County Sheriff's Office | February Animal Control | 61.66 |
Brookings County Sheriff's Office | September 2016 Contract Law | 1,595.65 |
Brookings County Sheriff's Office | July 2016 Contract Law | 1,595.65 |
Brookings-Deuel Rural Water System | July Water | 2,432.00 |
Carol Benz | Community Center Damage Deposit Refund | 100.00 |
Christi Wilts | Cleaning Hall in August 2016 | 360.00 |
Christi Wilts | Hall cleaning supplies | 86.49 |
Christi Wilts | Hall cleaning supplies | 53.99 |
Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling | August Garbage Pickups | 1,822.14 |
Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling | Roll Off & Extra Garbage | 180.08 |
Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling | White Clinic Garbage Service-July | 61.77 |
Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling | April Garbage Pickups | 1,795.85 |
DA Services | Refinish floors in mail hall, kitchen and legion room | 3,989.44 |
Daniel DeYoung | Health Insurance Stipend August 2016 | 250.00 |
Daniel DeYoung | Payroll for August 2016 | 2,534.55 |
Deborah Hopfinger | Farmer's Market Signs Reimbursement | 172.18 |
Dennis Jorenby | Tree Stumps Removal | 200.00 |
East River Electric | July Transmission Service | 4,551.90 |
EFTPS | Payroll Taxes August 2016 | 1,280.62 |
First Bank & Trust | Cash Management Service Fee | 10.00 |
Glacial Lakes & Prairies Tourism | 2017 City Membership Dues | 200.00 |
HD Supply Waterworks | Meter Supplies | 231.22 |
Heartland Consumers Power District | July Power | 30,158.55 |
Hillyard | Hall Supplies | 158.90 |
Interstate Telecommunications Coop | Phone service for August 2016 | 290.31 |
Mary Raine | August 2016 Wages | 1,035.47 |
Melanie Haber | Payroll for August 2016 | 1,076.70 |
Melanie Haber | Health Insurance Stipend August 2016 | 250.00 |
Midwest Pest Control | Pest Spray | 80.00 |
RFD News Group, Inc. | July Publishing | 360.34 |
Sasha Haleta | Community Center Damage Deposit Refund | 100.00 |
SDRS | Retirement Contributions for August 2016 | 635.46 |
Servall | Mop/Towel Rental | 59.52 |
South Dakota One Call | July 2016 Message Fees | 14.70 |
South Dakota State Treasurer | August 2016 Sales Tax | 2,204.41 |
Team Lab Chemical Corp. | Spray | 462.00 |
Tim Cariveau | August 2016 Wages | 90.04 |
Tracey Haaseth | August 2016 Wages | 414.19 |
Western Area Power Administration | July 2016 Power | 1,790.24 |
Wilts Concrete LLC | Concrete at McKnight Hall | 3,559.00 |
GRAND TOTAL | 67,388.93 |
Motion was made by Wilts, seconded by Brandt to approve payment of all bills; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
At 7:05pm, the Council discussed updates with the White Care Center (now known as The Centre). The total of surplus items sold thus far has totaled $11,349.00. Randy Hanson, manager of the Investment Group, was present and discussed where the group was at with signing the purchase agreement on September 31st like the original agreement had stated. He explained that the financing has been pushed back slightly because of some federal and state opportunities. He asked if the Council would allow for the closing date to be moved to October 30th instead. Motion was made by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to accept moving the closing date; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
Hanson also stated that he has found some used exercise equipment that they may be purchasing for the fitness center. There has been no update on the restaurant tenants however he has spoken with the clinic and they have already submitted plans to their company to allow for the remodel to start as soon as financing goes through. Randy still has no letters of intent for any of the spaces yet he has had much interest in the apartments that will be for rent.
Representatives with the White Historical Society were present and submitted 2 bids for re-siding the museum. A bid from Emmett Construction came in at $10,495.80 and a bid from Cobb Creek Construction came in at $6,746.00. After checking with the current budget, the Council felt comfortable accepting a bid to get the work done this year. Motion was made by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to accept Cobb Creek Constructions bid; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
Two new applications for the White Fire Department were reviewed by the Council and included Dallas Murphy and Kyle Anderson. Motion was made by Kelm, seconded by Wilts to accept both applications; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The Council proceeded to discuss improvements to the McKnight Hall. Hopfinger stated that no bids were submitted for installation of the glass board and new door. The Council asked Hopfinger to reach out the more construction companies to see if any of them would be will willing to bid the project. Discussion took place about replacing the 4 existing air conditioning units in the wall. Haber will look at Lows and Menards to see what a new one would cost. The Council reviewed a bid from Midwest Glass for a new 40” door to be added to the east side of the building for $1,780.00. This will be tabled until other construction costs are calculated. Councilmember Wilts stated that her and her family have been doing the cleaning down at the hall and wanted to know if the Council was okay with that or if they wanted to hire someone else to do the work as Tim Cariveau will no longer be able to fulfill the required duties due to time spent at his other job. Mayor Wright suggested hiring Bruce Wilts as the custodian at next regular meeting for all legal purposes. Wilts also discussed the continued issue of the roof leaking in the women’s bathroom and on the stage. DeYoung stated that he did do some patchwork on the roof but will do some more. Wilts also asked about removing the old furnace that no longer works in the northeast corner of the hall to allow for more storage. Haber will contact Anderson Oil to get a bid to remove it. Wilts also got a bid from Total Maintenance to do some cleaning on the south wall where there is currently carpet. Their bid was for $200. It was suggested that they make sure the roof isn’t leaking before doing the cleaning. The Council also discussed re-shingling the building in 2017. Hopfinger will put out for bids so the city can have an idea of how much to budget for in 2017.
The Council proceeded to discuss updates to the Policies and Procedures Handbook.
A public hearing amending Ordinance 97-Fireworks was read. With no changes necessary, motion was made by Wilts, seconded by Kelm to approve of the first reading; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. Second reading will take place at the next regular meeting on October 3rd.
The Council review the current ordinance on parking tickets. It was suggested that the fine be increased from $20 to $50. The change will be made and a first reading will be held at the regular meeting on October 3rd.
Finance Officer, Haber presented the Council will documents pertaining to upgrading the Finance Office’s software with Banyon Data. All together the total cost will be approximately $10,000. The Council asked for this to be put into the 2017 budget.
Dan DeYoung, City Maintenance Superintendent, stated that he will be flushing hydrants on the 19th of September. He also stated that the water tower will be inspected this month by Maguire Iron. We should also be planning on sealing the streets for 2017 as well. He will continue to spray for mosquitos until it is cold enough and will be filling in pot holes.
Melanie Haber, Finance Officer, reported that to install Wi-Fi in the McKnight Hall, the cost would be about $46 per month with ITC. The Council discussed other options, but decided to hold off until the other remodeling projects are finished.
Upcoming Meetings/Dates/Agenda Items included:
- October 3, 2016 - Next Regular City Council meeting, McKnight Hall, 7pm
- October 21, 2016 – City Clean-up Day
Old Business included:
- Getting access to the Google Calendar that Wayne set up.
Public comments – None.
Correspondence – The South Dakota Municipal League’s annual conference is to be held Oct 4-7 in Rapid City this year. If anyone is interested in attending they are to let Melanie or Mary know by Sept 15.
Nuisances – An update on the nuisance letters that were sent out last month were discussed with most of them being taken care of. Wilts added a couple more to the list.
The delinquent utility bill statement was read and discussed. Motion was made by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to shut all services off if past due balance is not paid by 29th of September; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The Council was presented with the financial statements for the month. Motion was made by Kelm, seconded by Wilts to approve of the Financial Statements; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
With no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Hopfinger, seconded by Brandt to adjourn; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.
Terry Wright, Mayor
Melanie Haber, Finance Officer