
White, South Dakota

Small Town, Big Heart!

March 7, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

White City Council Minutes

March 7, 2016

The regular meeting of the White City Council was called to order on Monday, March 7, 2016 in the McKnight Community Center at 7:00pm by Mayor Terry Wright. Roll Call was taken: present –Chris Wilts, Chris Willmott, Wayne Kelm, Deborah Hopfinger and Tammy Byers.

After adding the Deubrook Art Show under other discussion, motion was made by Kelm, seconded by Byers to approve the agenda; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

The regular meeting minutes were read from February 1st and the special meeting minutes were read from February 23rd. Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to approve the minutes as read; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

The following bills were presented for approval:





Aflac Insurance Premiums for February 2016


AT&T Mobility



Brookings County Sheriff's Office

2 Digital Speed Boards


Brookings County Sheriff's Office

February 2016 Contract Law


Brookings County Register of Deeds

Transfer Deed Title


Brookings Equipment, Inc.

Tractor Maintenance & Labor


Brookings-Deuel Rural Water System

February Water


Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling

February Garbage Pickups


Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling

White Clinic Garbage Service


Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling

White Clinic Garbage Service


Courtesy Plumbing

White Care Center Repair


Daniel DeYoung

Health Insurance Stipend February 2016


Daniel DeYoung

Payroll for February 2016


East River Electric

January Transmission Service



Payroll Taxes February 2016


First Bank & Trust - Cash

Stamps/Petty Cash


First Bank & Trust 

Cash Management Service Fee


Heartland Consumers Power District

January Power



Hall supplies


Interstate Telecommunications Coop

Phone service for February 2016



Hall Supplies


Melanie Haber

Payroll for February 2016


Melanie Haber

Health Insurance Stipend February 2016



PO Box Fee Payment


RFD News Group, Inc.

January Publishing



Retirement Contributions for February 2016



Mop/Rag/Towel Rental


South Dakota Department of Health



South Dakota One Call

January 2016 Message Fees


South Dakota State Treasurer

February 2016 Sales Tax


Tammy Byers

Reimbursement for hall items


Western Area Power Administration

January 2016 Power


Wooden Legs Brewing Co.

Beer Tasting at Dueling Keys





Notice was taken that the Courtesy Plumbing bill was higher than anticipated because 2 heaters were purchased and not just 1. The Register of Deeds bill was for transferring the deed title for the old nursing home into the city’s name. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Kelm to approve all the bills as presented; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

At 7:05pm, the Council briefly welcomed Dawn Byers, representative from the Deubrook Booster Club. Dawn thanked the City Council for allowing them to set up in the hall for their Prom Dress Resale. She stated that a record number of dresses were available and they had great success.

The Council was notified that Martha Brandt had filed an election petition for 2016 to take over the vacant councilmember spot in Ward 1. The Council could decide whether or not they wanted Brandt to immediately be appointed to the board, or wait until her official term started May 1, 2016. Motion was made by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to immediately appoint Martha to Councilmember Ward 1; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. Brandt read the Oath and was declared an official Councilmember.

The Council proceeded to discuss any updates with the White Care Center. They were all given a 2 page document written by Finance Officer, Melanie Haber, describing the process of how the board has gotten to this point and what the future could hold for the facility. Haber stated that she felt the need to create this report was due to the large amount of misunderstanding community members. Several people have contacted her with questions regarding surplus items, construction bids, nursing home acquisitions, etc. She said that instead of having to answer all these questions over again, that this document could serve as that answer. She wasn’t sure how the City wanted to publically advertise this, but suggested inserting it as a colored paper document in the paper. Another suggestion was to keep copies in the office for reference. Paul Ekern, with the Tri-City Star was present and he stated that he would be willing to print the report as a front page article in the paper. The Council agreed that this would catch the most attention. Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Kelm to run the article in the paper as front page news; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. The full document can also be found online under “News”.

The City received another bid for the Ford Van they acquired from the nursing home. The van was declared surplus a couple months back but none of the bids had been accepted. The bid was for $7,400.00 and was submitted by David Ekern. Byers asked the Council if they would like to try to sell the van via EBay, but many of the Council felt that the $7,400.00 bid was appropriate. Motion was made by Wilts, seconded by Kelm to accept Ekern’s bid’; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

The Council reviewed a proposal received from the Wilmot Care Center for a number of items currently store in the nursing home such as medical supplies, lifts, office equipment, etc. The proposal offered a one-time payment of $3,000.00 for all the items. It also stated that an additional $500 would be paid for the Bio Dex and any miscellaneous therapy equipment, and an additional $1,000 would be paid if the large clothes washer was newer and in better shape than their existing one. They also proposed offering to purchase the entire inventory list for $6,000.000. The Wilmot Care Center would be responsible for coming to White, packing the truck and delivering the purchased equipment and supplies to Wilmot. Sally Damm, who has worked with White in the past, is currently sitting in as their administrator. Mayor Wright suggested that Haber draft a letter to the Wilmot Care Center explained where we are at with the surplus bidding process and how none of the items can be sold until after the March 21st bid deadline. Motion was made by Byers, seconded by Hopfinger to table the proposal and send said letter; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

Kim Kuper, city resident, had asked the Council if they would be interested in selling the lot directly behind their property at 209 East 4th Street which is now part of the nursing home property. As the land sits right now, there is nothing on it, but Mayor Wright explained that depending on who takes over the facility, they may or may not want to use that land for something. The lot is about 55 square feet and runs right up to the alley way. Wright stated that until the March 21st meeting and a decision has been made that the land must remain as is.

The Council reviewed the ad to hire part-time summer help for mowing and general city maintenance. It was decided that the hours should be 20-30 per week and the employee will be responsible for other duties as assigned. Dan DeYoung will be the supervisor for this position. Deadline to apply is April 4, 2016 and the full ad can be found online under “City Jobs”.

The Council was notified that due to all councilmembers being ran unopposed for 2016, the April 12th election had been cancelled.

Councilmember, Tammy Byers, stated that the White Community Club was looking into adding glass board around the big hall and was waiting for an estimate from Robbin’s Construction. Byers asked about taking the air conditioning units out of the wall. The issue will be filling in the holes they will leave. She also stated that they will be painting the pillars a dark brown someday soon as well. All of the work will be done on a volunteer basis and heading by the Community Club.

                Dan DeYoung, City Maintenance Superintendent, reported that he has started getting ready for spring and has been working on tree trimming and alleys. Kelm stated that the alleys definitely need more work and the City should consider crowing them sometime in the near future. This process hasn’t been done for several years. DeYoung is also working on getting the park ready. Willmott asked if he could get a list of all the fire hydrants that don’t drain properly and he will look into replacing or fixing them.

                Melanie Haber, Finance Officer, asked the Council to set a date for the Local Board of Review for Equalization. The Council agreed to having it the same night as the scheduled Special Meeting on March 21st. The board will meet prior to the Special Meeting at 6:00pm and come out of session before entering again.

                Upcoming Meetings/Dates/Agenda Items included:

  •          March 20, 2016 – WCC Easter Egg Hunt – McKnight Hall @ 2pm
  •          March 21, 2016 – Local Board of Equalization in session – McKnight Hall @ 6pm
  •          March 21, 2016 – Special Meeting – McKnight Hall @ 6:30pm
  •          April 4, 2016 - Next Regular City Council Meeting – McKnight Hall – 7pm
  •          April 9, 2016 – Fireman’s Dance & Supper

Old Business included:

  •          Getting a battery for the Speed Signs to charge. DeYoung stated that the sign instructions say to charge up the batteries before installing, but a charger was not included. Wright will locate charger.
  •          The community digital sign is still not up and running since the electrician hasn’t been around to hook it up.
  •          The Verizon cell tower is still at a standstill. Byers cannot seem to get ahold of anyone to discuss the issues. 

Public comments – None.

The Contract Law Report was read.

Correspondence – None.

Nuisances – 2 violations for barking dogs will be sent out. Semi-trucks parking on Hooker Ave will also be issued a violation letter. 

Other topics discussed included:

  •          The Deubrook Art Council sent the Council a letter asking to host their Senior Art Show in the McKnight Hall this spring from April 11-15 with the reception being held on the 13th. They are asking for the City to waive their rental fee for this event. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Wilts to approve of waiving rental fees and allowing event to be hosted in the hall; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

The delinquent utility bill statement was presented to the Council with a total of 15 accounts being delinquent. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Wilts to approve of disconnecting all 15 accounts if not paid for by the 20th of the month; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.

The Financial Statements were presented to the Council. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Hopfinger to approve of the financial statements.

With no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Kelm, seconded by Willmott to adjourn; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm.


Terry Wright, Mayor


Melanie Haber, Finance Officer