February 1, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes
White City Council Minutes
February 1, 2016
The regular meeting of the White City Council was called to order on Monday February 1, 2016 in the McKnight Community Center at 7:00pm by Mayor Terry Wright. Roll Call was taken: present –Chris Wilts, Chris Willmott, Wayne Kelm, and Deborah Hopfinger; Absent - Tammy Byers.
Motion was made by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to approve the agenda; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The regular meeting minutes were read from January 4th. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Kelm to approve the minutes as read; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The following bills were presented for approval:
Name | Description | Amount | |
Aflac | Aflac Insurance Premiums for January 2016 | 109.85 | |
Allegra | Pet Postcards | 101.04 | |
Anderson Oil Company, Inc. | January Fuel | 1,081.06 | |
Anderson Oil Company, Inc. | December Fuel | 524.05 | |
AT&T Mobility | CELL PHONE BILL 690-5030 | 34.15 | |
Automatic Building Controls | Service on Fire Alarm System | 291.72 | |
B&B Auto Service | Vehicle Maintenance | 813.99 | |
Brookings-Deuel Rural Water | January Water | 2,006.90 | |
Brookings Radio | 2015 Holiday Events Ad | 120.00 | |
Buffalo Ridge Newspapers, LLC | 2015 Holiday Events Ads | 99.00 | |
Christine Woodard | Refrigerator Rebate | 100.00 | |
Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling | White Clinic Garbage Service | 61.48 | |
Cook's Wastepaper & Recycling | January Garbage Pickups | 1,786.50 | |
Dale's Alignment Service, Inc. | Rescue Unit Repair & Maintenance | 243.16 | |
Daniel DeYoung | Health Insurance Stipend January 2016 | 250.00 | |
Daniel DeYoung | Payroll for January 2016 | 2,459.49 | |
DVL Fire and Safety | Annual Inspection | 106.53 | |
East River Electric | December Transmission Service | 4,058.73 | |
EFTPS | Payroll Taxes January 2016 | 1,085.87 | |
First Bank & Trust | Cash Management Fee | 10.00 | |
Heartland Consumers Power District | December Power | 27,010.70 | |
Hogue's Construction & Handyman Service | Museum Repair Labor | 3,000.00 | |
Interstate Telecommunications Coop | Phone service for January 2016 | 280.49 | |
J.P. Cooke Co. | Dog Tags | 61.72 | |
LeRoy Patrick | Dishwasher Rebate | 50.00 | |
Lowe's | City/Maintenance Supplies | 203.41 | |
Melanie Haber | Health Insurance Stipend January 2016 | 250.00 | |
Melanie Haber | Payroll for January 2016 | 1,759.95 | |
Midwest Glass, Inc. | Duplicate Keys | 10.00 | |
Midwest Pest Control | Pest Spray | 80.00 | |
Midwest Pest Control | Pest Spray @ Fire Hall | 80.00 | |
Office Peeps, Inc. | Office Supplies | 73.87 | |
Omni-Pro Software, Inc. | Load Management Software for 2016 | 2,500.00 | |
SD ASSN OF TOWNS & TOWNSHIPS | 2016 Membership Dues | 311.25 | |
SDRS | Retirement Contributions for January 2016 | 630.98 | |
South Dakota Department of Health | Chemicals | 15.00 | |
South Dakota One Call | December 2015 Message Fees | 2.24 | |
South Dakota State Treasurer | January 2016 Sales Tax | 2,242.62 | |
Stein Sign Display | McKnight Community Center letters & install | 2,507.94 | |
Stein Sign Display | Remaining Balance on community sign | 13,440.66 | |
Western Area Power Administration | December 2015 Power | 3,469.32 | |
GRAND TOTAL | 73,323.67 |
The Council revisited the Amp Electric Bill that was previously tabled until further discussion could take place. Representatives from both Amp Electric and Robbins Construction were present to discuss. After some discussion, the Council understood where the discrepancy came from and motion was made Hopfinger, seconded by Wilts to approve payment to Amp Electric in the amount of $14,766.98. The Council was also notified of other new bills presented including adding pest spray to the Fire Hall for $80 each quarter. Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Willmott to approve all the bills as presented; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
At 7:05pm, the Council welcomed Logan Zeisler with the Delta Chi Fraternity at SDSU. He is a representative from the Brookings Rotary Boulevard Project where their goal for 2016 is to plant 75 new trees in Brookings and White. They are looking for residents who are willing to pay a $15 fee to have a tree planted in their boulevard. These trees would typically cost a minimum of $100 to plant. The project is asking that the City of White provide $250 toward the project to purchase the trees. Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Wilts to pay the asking fee and purchase the trees; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. Anyone who is looking for more information on how to get a tree, visit our website at white.govoffice2.com and click on the “News” tab.
Erik Gutormson, with the American Legion Post #88, was welcomed and discussed an issue with a broken door in the storage room. The door does not latch properly so he asked that the City have this repaired. Gutormson also discussed an issue with key control in regards to the McKnight Hall and the storage room. Since there are 3 organizations that share the storage room, the Legion is concerned about their items being stolen or messed with. The Council stated that no keys are given to anyone who does not have the authority to have a key. The only master keys given out are for the Finance Officer, City Maintenance and Hall Supervisor. Any concerns about the BINGO boards that the Legion has pertaining to the White Community Club needs to be addressed to them, and not to the City Council.
The Council proceeded to discuss any updates with the White Care Center. They officially set the Mills Construction meeting date for Thursday, February 25th at 7:00pm (which has since been changed to Tuesday, February 23rd at 7:00pm). They were given a bid from Hartung Electric to rewire some of the electric in the hallways for between $350 and $850 depending on amount of labor necessary. Councilmember Willmott estimated that by doing so, this would save around $200 per month on electricity. Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Wilts to approve of the electric work to be done; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. The Council was also notified that 1 of the 2 new water heaters has been installed in the clinic area of the building thus allowing all the other water heaters to be shut off. They are $234 each and the second one should be installed within the next week.
The Council opened 1 sealed bid for the White Care Center Van surplus. The bid proposed was for $5,150.00. (There was another bid that was also opened at a later date for $2,800.) After some discussion, motion was made by Willmott to reject the bid, but with no second, the motion was cancelled. Motion was then made by Wilts, seconded by Hopfinger to table to the bid until a decision has been made with what to do with the building; roll call vote taken as follows: Willmott – No, Hopfinger – Yes, Kelm – Yes, Wilts – Yes; with a vote of 3-1, motion carried.
Councilmember and Fire Chief, Chris Willmott, presented a new application for Corey Byers to join the White Fire Department. Byers is 21 years old and lives outside of White and works in town. Motion was made by Kelm, seconded by Hopfinger to accept Byers’ application; roll call vote taken as follows: Willmott – Abstain, Hopfinger – Yes, Kelm – Yes, Wilts – Yes; with the majority vote approving, motion carried. The Council was also presented with the 2015 financials from the Fire Department.
The Council proceeded to discuss the new digital solar powered speed signs that were received. The correct signs have been delivered and are ready to be installed this spring. These signs will be placed on Hooker Ave on the north side of town and on East Main Street on the edge of town.
The community digital sign has been installed with the exception of the electrical wiring. Hartung Electric will be hard wiring the unit in February and it should be operating shortly.
The following offices will become vacant due to the expiration of the present term of office of the elective officer:
Tammy Byers Councilperson Ward 1 2-year term
Vacant Councilperson Ward 1 2-year term
Wayne Kelm Councilperson Ward 2 2-year term
Terry Wright Mayor 2-year term
Circulation of nominating petitions may begin on January 30, 2015 and petitions may be filed in the office of the finance officer located at 300 West Main St., White, SD between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. central standard time not later than 4:00 p.m. on the 26th day of February 2016.
The Council was also notified that in order to continue on the board, their petitions must be turned in this year. In the past, they were not required to turn in a petition and if no one ran against them they would automatically be given their spot back. However, this is not the case in 2016 and the petitions are required to be turned in to regain term. The Council was also notified that a member of Ward 1 has shown interest in taking over the vacant spot. Martha Brandt, will be attending the next regular City Council meeting in March for request to be on the board. Brandt is still required to fill out her petition and turn in by set date.
Dan DeYoung, City Maintenance Superintendent, reported that he didn’t have any major requests or issues. Councilmember Wilts addressed a complaint she had been given about getting the snow removed off the roads as quickly as possible. Willmott also asked DeYoung if he has issued any parking tickets on vehicles that are parked on the boulevards after over an inch of snow. DeYoung stated that he has given out warnings, but no official tickets as of yet.
Melanie Haber, Finance Officer, discussed her maternity leave which is scheduled for the end of April through June and possibly part of July. It was suggested that Tammy Byers, Finance Officer Supervisor, be trained on the tasks needing to be taken care of while Haber is away. If Byers cannot fulfill all the duties, Wilts has offered to help. Haber will check on bank accounts and make sure that Byers is on the accounts and that she is authorized to access account information and sign checks if needed. Haber also stated that she will do her best to help out when she can.
Upcoming Meetings/Dates/Agenda Items included:
- Prom Dress Resale – February 4-14 in McKnight Hall
- February 19th, 2016 – White Community Club BINGO night
- February 23rd, 2016 – Mills Construction Meeting – McKnight Hall – 7pm
- March 7th, 2016 - Next Regular City Council Meeting – McKnight Hall – 7pm
Old Business included:
- Cooks Wastepaper Issue at 105 W 4th Street – Mayor Wright has since talked with Cooks and they have removed the dumpster with the trash at no cost to the city.
Public comments – None.
The Contract Law Report was read.
Correspondence – All Councilmembers are encouraged to attend the District Meeting on March 16th in Howard at 6pm. Those interested are to let Haber know by March 2nd.
Nuisances - None.
Other topics discussed included:
- Checking on why the calls that forward from the City Shop to DeYoung’s cell phone cost additional charges with ITC.
The delinquent utility bill statement was presented to the Council with a total of 12 accounts being delinquent. Motion was made by Willmott, seconded by Kelm to approve of disconnecting all 12 accounts if not paid for by the 20th of the month; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried.
The Financial Statements were presented to the Council. Motion was made by Hopfinger, seconded by Wilts to approve of the financial statements.
With no further business to come before the Council, motion made by Hopfinger, seconded by Wilts to adjourn; roll call vote taken with all present voting aye; motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:26pm.
Terry Wright, Mayor
Melanie Haber, Finance Officer